CPC Holds Press Conference on the NYS 2024 Session

Date: June 13th, 2024
Alice Du, Director of Communications (adu@cpc-nyc.org) | 212-792-4585
CPC Statement on the NYS 2024 Session
New York, NY – The Chinese-American Planning Council (CPC) released the following statement to mark the end of the 2024 State legislative session:
As the cost of living soars, the FY24-25 budget and the legislative session failed to make deep investments and policy changes that meet the immediate, growing, and long-term needs of our most marginalized communities. In the midst of one of the worst housing crises as well as a home care workforce crisis, coupled with rising cost of living and a migration humanitarian crisis, the State has continued to take half measures that fail to address the root causes of these issues.
“The FY25 State budget included important support for our communities like the restoration of $30 million for the AAPI Equity Budget as well as the $4 million allocation for the Settlement House Program, and the State passed several laws to make our streets safer. However, the State failed to respond to the calls of community-based organizations and advocates to make much-needed deep investments and transformative legislative changes for AAPI, immigrant, and low-income communities including affordable housing and improved wages and working conditions for all human services and home care workers,” said Wayne Ho, President and CEO of the Chinese-American Planning Council (CPC).
CPC is committed to ensuring that our communities are empowered through meaningful and transformative investments. Over the past year, CPC staff, community members, and Advocacy Advisory Council (consisting of 12 front line program staff across departments and boroughs) have been at the forefront of our budget advocacy efforts and have been fighting tirelessly so that our most marginalized communities can thrive. In February, we turned out over 320 community members in Albany for our State Advocacy Day to call on legislators to pass a budget that ensures investments into home care workers and the communities that they serve, fully funding the AAPI Equity Budget, and including a 3.2% COLA for all human service workers.
We are grateful to our legislative leaders for advocating on behalf of AAPI, immigrant and low-income communities, and are dedicated to continuing to fight to ensure that all New Yorkers have a thriving, dignified life.
2024 Session Wins:
- As part of the Equity Budget Coalition, we were thrilled to see a $30 million restoration was made into AAPI community based organizations to provide linguistically and culturally competent services.
- $4 million allocation for the Settlement House Program, the first enhancement in many years, and $20 million for afterschool.
- The budget included a 2.84% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for human services workers of specific titles. While this is an important investment, a full and meaningful 3.2% COLA for all human service workers which would ensure fair and livable compensation was not included in the budget.
- Sammy’s Law was passed, lowering the speed limit to 20 miles per hour in the city.
- The State invested $2.4 billion into addressing New York City’s asylum seeker humanitarian crisis, an important start to the funding necessary to support this community.
- Coverage for All (expanding the essential plan to undocumented New Yorkers) and SNAP for all (expanding SNAP eligibility and access) made progress in the legislature but ultimately failed to pass.
- We were relieved the budget did not include the devastating proposals to cut wage parity for Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP) workers and to delay minimum wage increases for home care workers. However, we are very concerned that the proposal to consolidate to one single CDPAP Fiscal Intermediary (FI) was included in the final budget and preserved in the legislative session because of the detrimental effects it will have on clients who will lose care and workers who will lose jobs. We were also concerned to see that three critical home care bills: the bill to split 24 hour shifts into twelve hour split shifts, the Home Care Savings and Reinvestment Act, as well as the Fair Pay for Home Care bill (increasing home care wages to 150% of the minimum wage did not pass, only exacerbating the home care crisis.
- We were concerned to see that the bills that would include all human services workers in a cost of living adjustment, and the bill to establish a Human Services Wage Board to address wage inequities across the sector did not pass this session,
- The Good Cause bill was weakened and will only protect certain types of tenants. We will continue to push for universal Good Cause to protect all tenants across the State.
- Critical climate measures like the NY HEAT Act and the Climate Change Superfund Act, which would make significant investments into environmental justice and racial equity, also did not pass.
紐約,紐約 – 華人策劃協會,簡稱「華策會」,就2024年紐約州立法會議結束,發佈以下聲明:
華策會總裁兼首席執行官何永康(Wayne Ho)說:「2025財年州預算包括了對我們社區的重要支持,如恢復3000萬美元的亞裔平等預算(AAPI Equity Budget)以及對400萬美元的社福之家 (Settlement House Program)項目計畫進行撥款,並通過了幾項法案,使我們的街道更安全。然而,州政府未能回應社區組織和宣導者的呼籲,對亞裔華人、移民和低收入社區進行迫切需要的深度投資和變革性立法改革,包括可負擔住房和改善所有公共服務工作者和家庭護理工作者的工資和工作條件。」
- 作為公平預算聯盟(Equity Budget Coalition)的一份子,我們很高興看到恢復為亞裔社區組織提供3000萬美元的資金,以提供合適的語言和文化的服務。
- 為社福之家計畫撥款400萬美元和為課後活動提供2000萬美元的資金,前者是多年來的首次提升。
- 預算包括了對特定職位的公共服務工作者提供2.84%的生活成本調整(COLA)。儘管這是一項重要的投資,但預算中未包括為所有公共服務工作者提供全面而有意義,並能確保公平和可持續薪酬的3.2% COLA。
- 通過了《薩米法案》(Sammy's Law),將城市的限速降至每小時20英里。
- 州政府投資了24億美元來應對紐約市尋求庇護者的人道主義危機,這是支持這個社區所需資金的重要起點。
- 全民覆蓋計畫(Coverage for All),即將基本計畫擴展到無證紐約人士,和全民補充營養援助計劃(SNAP for All),即擴大SNAP的資格和管道,在立法機構上取得進展,但最終未能通過。
- 我們感到寬慰的是,削減消費者導向個人助理計劃(CDPAP)工作者的工資和推遲家庭護理工作者最低工資增加的災難性提案未能在本屆會議上通過。然而,我們非常擔心的是,合併為一個單一CDPAP提供財務仲介(FI)的提案被納入最終預算中,因為這將令客戶失去護理人員,以及令護理工作者失去工作。我們還擔心看到三項關鍵的家庭護理法案未通過:將24小時輪班拆分為12小時輪班的法案、家庭護理儲蓄與再投資法案(Home Care Savings Act and Reinvestment Act) , 以及家庭護理公平薪酬法案(Fair Pay for Home Care Bill) ,即將家庭護理工資提高到最低工資的150%,這些法案未能通過只會加劇家庭護理危機。
- 我們也擔心未通過的法案包括為所有公共服務工作者提供生活成本調整,以及建立一個公共服務工作者工資委員會(Services Wage Board)以解決整個行業工資不平等的問題。
- 正當理由驅逐法案 (The Good Cause Bill)被削弱,只能保護某些類型的租戶。我們將繼續推動全面的法案,以保護全州所有租戶。
- 關鍵氣候措施如法案(NY HEAT)和氣候超級基金法(Climate Change Superfund Act)法案未能通過,這些法案將對環境和種族平等進行重大投資。
Press Coverage: World Journal, Epoch Times, SinoVision, NTDTV
The Chinese-American Planning Council (CPC) is a social services organization that creates positive social change. Founded in 1965, CPC is the nation's largest Asian American social services organization and aims to promote the social and economic empowerment of Chinese American, immigrant, and low-income communities of New York City. CPC is the trusted partner to individuals and families striving to achieve goals in their education, family, community, and career.
El Chinese-American Planning Council (CPC) es una organización de servicios sociales que crea un cambio social positivo. Fundada en 1965, CPC es la mayor organización de servicios sociales asiático-americanos del país y su objetivo es promover la capacitación social y económica de las comunidades chino-americanas, inmigrantes y de bajos ingresos de la ciudad de Nueva York. CPC es el socio de confianza de personas y familias que se esfuerzan por alcanzar objetivos en su educación, familia, comunidad y carrera.