A Full Day of Fun at CPC's Picnic for Families with Special Needs

On Sunday, August 29th, over 300 people including participants, families, staff and volunteers of CPC Queens Special Needs Program gathered for a picnic to celebrate the end of summer at Queens Botanical Garden.
Participants and their parents came together to enjoy the beautiful garden, appreciate a special piano performance by mother-son pianist duo Michelle Chen Kuo and Christopher Kuo, and participate in family-friendly games and activities. It was the first in-person gathering event for the families since the lockdown in March 2020.
Throughout the past 16 months, CPC has remained committed to responding to the needs of our communities. CPC staff have worked tirelessly to support special needs program participants and parents, not only ensuring our families received fresh groceries and food delivered to their door every week but also providing virtual activities to keep them active and engaged.
We are so thankful for all the support to make this event happened. It was not only a social event, but it also served an important goal was to give our special needs participants many opportunities to learn new skills, be a part of their community, and enjoy themselves with their family. It also provided a great opportunity for parents to network with others, encouraging each other and forming new friendships.
Mitch Wu, CPC Queens Community Services Director, said, "We know that the pandemic has been hard for all New Yorkers, but we know that it was especially difficult for the more vulnerable in our community. CPC serves approximately 300 immigrant, low-income families with special needs right here in the borough of Queens, and during this pandemic, we know that these families had additional barrier when it comes to food access, resources and care with their loved ones. We are excited to be able to provide with them this time today to reconnect, build community and get resources."
We expressed our special thanks to event sponsor Greater Hudson Financial for their partnership to make this event possible. We greatly appreciated their support for improving the quality of life for people with special needs.
“It is always wonderful to partner with CPC to help our community. The special needs programs that CPC offers provide such valuable services to these families. We are proud to support CPC and provide any help and guidance to these special needs families that we can,” Derek Chan, President of Greater Hudson Financial, said.
The duo piano performance was a special treat to everyone. Michelle and Chris are a two-piano team on a mission to make the world a better place by using their talents raise funds for nonprofits and social causes. CPC is very grateful for their kindness and generous support. Chris is also co-chair of CPC Leadership Council, a tight-knit community of business and nonprofit leaders who seek to advance CPC's mission.
“We are excited to perform two-piano music for this incredible event and to celebrate in person with so many amazing families and CPC staff. We are so inspired by everyone’s dedication to build coalition and advocate for greater resources for the AAPI and special needs communities in Flushing,” Chris Kuo said.
Special thanks to Vivian Fang Liu and her students from Sol Sharp Music School for volunteering their time and efforts to this event.
Vivian Fang Liu said, “I took a special education class in Columbia University before, I know how challenging could be for people with special needs. I happen to know the event from CPC and would love to bring my students to help in any way we can. It is our pleasure and honor.”
Special thanks to UNH and the Carmel Hill Fund for providing food support for this event.
Click to view media coverage from Sing Tao and World Journal.
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2021 年 8 月 29 日星期日,華策會皇后區特殊家庭服務的個人、家屬、工作人員和志願者等 300 多人齊聚一堂,在皇后區植物園野餐,慶祝夏末。
這一天充滿了歡樂和笑聲。特殊家庭服務的家長們和會員齊聚一堂,一起在美麗的花園,欣賞由母子鋼琴演奏家陳秋霞與郭易棟(Christopher Kuo & Michelle Chen Kuo)的精彩表演,和參加各種家庭互動遊戲等活動。這是在2020年3月因疫情封城以來首次為特殊需要家庭舉辦的聚會活動。
在過去的 16 個月中,華策會始終致力於響應社區的需求。 華策會工作人員不知疲倦地工作來支持特殊家庭的需要,不僅確保每個家庭每週都能收到送到家門口的新鮮蔬果和食物,同時還提供各種線上活動讓他們保持活力和互動。
出席這次活動的特邀嘉賓包括:第 20 區候選人 Sandra Ung
華策會皇后區社區服務主管吳明曉說:“我們知道這次的疫情對所有紐約人來說都很艱難,但對社區中的弱勢群體尤其困難。華策會在皇后區為大約 300 名移民及低收入的特殊家庭提供服務。在疫情期間,我們知道這些家庭在照顧有特殊需要的親人同時在獲得食物和資源方面遇到了很大的障礙。我們很高興今天可以提供機會給他們可以重聚,建立社區並獲得資源”
我們特別感謝活動贊助商 Greater Hudson Financial 恆信理財嘉安人壽,使此次活動可以成功舉辦。我們非常感謝他們對改善有特殊需要的人的生活質量的大力支持。
恆信理財的總裁兼首席執行官陳永傑 Derek Chan 表示 “與華策會合作一起來幫助我們的社區是一件很棒的事情。華策會為有特殊需求的家庭和個人提供優質的服務和寶貴的資源。我們很自豪能夠支持華策會,並會為這些特殊家庭提供我們力所能及的任何協助和指導。”
特別感謝 Vivian Fang Liu 劉芳和來自 Sol Sharp Music School 的學生們對這次活動的支持和義工服務。