CPC's Asian Child Care Resource & Referral Program Achieves National Quality Assurance

National Quality Assurance establishes the Chinese-American Planning Council, Inc. (CPC) as one of the leading Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) agencies in the country.
[New York, NY] – Chinese-American Planning Council, Inc. (CPC) announced today that the organization has attained Quality Assurance, establishing it as one of the nation’s leading Child Care Resource and Referral agencies (CCR&Rs). The national recognition was awarded by Child Care Aware® of America.
The Child Care Aware® of America’s Quality Assurance Validation process is a voluntary, national certification program for the field of Child Care Resource and Referral, including State Networks and local CCR&Rs. It is a rigorous and comprehensive validation process that enables CCR&Rs to meet Best Practices Criteria for delivering outstanding services to parents, providers, businesses and communities.
“We are extremely proud to be a Child Care Aware® of America Quality Assured agency. This certification identifies our agency as meeting the highest national standards for CCR&R quality,” said Janice Won, Interim President & Chief Executive Officer of the Chinese-American Planning Council, Inc. “Since 1992, we have been helping families in New York City recognize, find and pay for quality child care, and have been working with our community to identify child care needs and create solutions. This national seal of approval proves that we are meeting national standards for core competencies, parent and provider services.”
“Chinese-American Planning Council, Inc. meets national standards for core competencies and services and has proven itself to be one of the best resources for parents seeking information about child care,” said Lynette M. Fraga, Ph.D., Executive Director of Child Care Aware® of America. Chinese-American Planning Council, Inc.’s achievement of Child Care Aware® of America’s Quality Assured credential solidifies its place as one of the top CCR&Rs in the nation.”
Annually, CPC's Asian Child Care Resource & Referral Program Provides:
- Assistance to over 3,200 families annually finding quality child care
- Training and assistance for more than 50 person to become licensed family child care businesses
- Provision of over 2,500 hours of Intensive Technical Assistance to licensed child care programs and businesses
- Our SUNY credential trainers conduct over 50 different training sessions that are approved by Office of Children and Family Services to enhance the quality of licensed child care providers
- Our licensed Nurse trains over 130 child care providers and businesses on Medication Administration, First Aid/CPR, Nutritional and Infectious Diseases
- Our licensed Nurse assists 138 child care businesses in the development of Health Care Plans so that these providers would have the ability to provide for children’s medication needs and outlining the policy to parents
- Provision of over 190 grants to qualified and licensed child care businesses to enhance their quality of care to children
- Parent education
- Policy and advocacy in support of NYC families and child care providers.
About Chinese-American Planning Council, Inc. & Asian Child Care Resource & Referral:
Chinese-American Planning Council, Inc. (CPC) was founded in 1965 and has become one of the largest providers of social services for Asian Americans in the United States. Currently, CPC serves over 8,000 people daily through over 50+ programs in 33 locations across New York City.
Asian Child Care Resource & Referral is one of the programs offered by CPC's Community Services Division. It is also part of the New York City Child Care Resource and Referral Consortium that includes five culturally diverse child care resource and referral agencies serving New York City. Our service goals are to serve the child care needs of families through providing information and referrals, as well as to increase the supply and improve the quality of child care services through technical assistance and training.
165 Eldridge Street, New York, NY 10002
www.childcarecpc.org; www.cpc-nyc.org
Telephone: 212-941-1828 (English hotline)
212-792-4597 (Chinese hotline)
Fax: 212-343-9567 or 212-226-5351