CPC Trinity Music Program Students Experience TADA!

Thanks to the Trinity Foundation, 160 children from CPC's Trinity Music Program at PS130 and Chrystie Street and their parents were able to enjoy a live musical theater performance of "The Trials of Alice in Wonderland" at the TADA! Youth Theater. For many young people, the treat of seeing live theater was an eye opener as the performers at TADA! are also youth who attend NYC public and private schools. This special event was a great engagement activity for our families and children to attend together. For the youth, it was a unique opportunity to experience a deeper connection to the performers who are closer to their age, and witness music in a new format outside the classroom.
"This show was very inspiring to me and my family. It was so lively. One of my favorite things was the costumes. The costumes weren't exactly like the book and movie but it was similar. They use their own perspective. For example, the caterpillar costume was made out of one long vest up to the actor’s knee with neon green gloves.... In my opinion the show was amazingly-spectacular. It had meaningful songs. As well as beautiful voices. The thing I really liked about the show is that they sang...." said a CPC Trinity Music Program participant.
CPC is grateful to be able to provide opportunities like this to our students with the generous support of the Trinity Foundation. Support from Trinity Foundation has helped CPC provide musical training, including choral and instrumental music education, to over 100 children in two public schools. Programs at both schools are also supported by DYCD COMPASS, and private donations. We are grateful for the Trinity Foundation's encouraging pilot funding to support our youth and their interest in the musical arts.
For more information on CPC's Trinity Music Program at PS130 please contact Catherine Lee at 212-431-8574.
For more information on CPC's Trinity Music Program at Chrystie Street SACCC please contact Stephanie Lee at 212-431-9124.