CPC Partners with Mount Sinai for on-site STD Testing

In our effort to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic, the Chinese-American Planning Council (CPC) has once again taken steps forward to help the community by collaborating with Mount Sinai to expand free sexually transmitted disease (STD) testing. The STD testing will cover some of the STDs commonly caused by bacterial infection: Gonorrhea, Chlamydia and Syphilis.
The Chinese-American Planning Council and Mount Sinai Hospital will host their free HIV/STD testing on the first Monday of every month starting February 2015.
All of our services are free of charge and confidential. For more information about HIV/AIDS or to seek HIV test and STD test, please contact CPC HIV/AIDS Service at 646-613-8420/8369.
Many STDs don’t cause any symptoms that you would notice, so the only way to know for sure if you have been infected is to get tested. You can still get infected from having sex with someone who has no symptoms. Just like you, that person might not know he or she has been infected.
Some of the possible symptoms might include:
- Sores on your penis, vagina, rectum, or mouth
- Painful or burning sensation when urinating
- Abnormal discharge from your penis or vagina
- Lower abdomen pain (women)
- Pain and swelling in one or both testicles
Testing Dates: Monday, February 2nd, March 2nd, April 6th 2015
Testing Times: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Testing Site: CPC Community Services Center (165 Eldridge Street, New York, NY 10002)
Please call CPC HIV/AIDS Program for more information: 646-613-8428
為了進一步提升服務質素對抗愛滋病疫情,華策會愛滋病服務部將擴展現有的服務,幫助我 的社區保持健康。除了現有的愛滋病檢查,華策會與西奈山醫院會將再度合作,為市民提供免費性傳染病檢查。我們提供的性病檢查,可以驗出數種最常見,經細菌傳染的性病,包括:淋病,衣原體感染,梅毒。
我們所提供的服務是免費與保密的。如欲咨詢更多有關愛滋病與性病檢查的資料,請聯絡華策會愛疾病服務部, 165 Eldridge Street, New York NY10002. 熱線是 646-613-8420/ 8369。
主辦人: 華策會愛滋病服務部
時間: 每個月的第一個星期一
2/2/2015, 3/2/2015, 4/6/2015
165愛烈治街 Eldridge Street, New York,NY 10002
陳詠萍: 646-613-8420
- 在你的陰莖、陰道、直腸或口腔出現潰瘍
- 排尿時有疼痛或燒灼感
- 尿道流膿、白帶增多、異色異味
- 下腹部疼痛(女)
- 疼痛和腫脹在一個或兩個睾丸有疼痛和腫脹