CPC Project Gateway's BEST Builds Interview Skills in Partnership with Accenture

On Friday, April 17th, 2020 CPC Project Gateway invited Accenture to host a "Interview with Integrity" webinar for high school and college students. Accenture volunteers provided community members with an educational webinar on interview techniques and presented a panel discussion to share experiences to aspiring students. Students were also able to practice one-on-one mock phone interviews!
Nina Liu, Strategy Senior Analyst at Accenture started off the webinar educating students on the typical types of interview questions including how to shape the classic elevator pitch to detailed questions about teamwork and commitment. She shared tips on how to answer certain questions using the STAR Method in order to shape your answers eloquently. Not only did Nina provide useful tips for standard in-person interview, but also the importance of preparing for a phone interview.
Following the presentation was panel discussion moderated by Amanda Hsieh, Functional Strategy Consultant at Accenture. The panelist featured volunteers from Accenture: Vivian Wu, Consulting Development Analyst; Will Chu, Technology Consulting Manager; Vikas Mittal, Management Consulting Managing Director, Lingmao Zhou, Strategy Analyst; and Fabianna Rodriguez-Mercado, SW/App/Cloud Tech Support Analyst. Each panelist shared insightful tips and their own experiences with interviewing as both an interviewee and interviewer. One remarkable bit of advice for students who are pursuing a job with limited experience is to know how to describe your "transferrable skills".
CPC Project Gateway is our in-house college counseling center and serves people of all ages who are looking to pursue higher education through college readiness workshops, individual counseling, college trips, and professional networking and skill-building events. The Business Exploration Student Tract (BEST) is a program of Project Gateway that partners our community members with professionals who volunteer their time to share industry insights.