Student Advisory Committee (SAC) Recruiting!

CPC's Project Gateway is currently recruiting motivated community members to participate in a Student Advisory Committee (SAC). The SAC is a student-operated committee whose main focus is to promote college resilience among the AAPI community. Through facilitating a smoother social and academic transition for high school students entering college, SAC aims to ease the stressful connotations associated with transitioning into college life. This year-long commitment will involve some of the following:
- Planning events to connect high school seniors with college-age mentors
- Participating in professional development opportunities
- Managing a virtual network for community members to share stories, advice and stay connected
We are looking to recruit 10 SAC members ranging from high school seniors to college students to be involved with this leadership opportunity. In-person and virtual meetings available!
For more information, please contact Suzan Lam, Director of Project Gateway at
CPC 大學之道輔導中心目前正在招募有動力的社區成員參加學生諮詢委員會。學生諮詢委員會是一個由學生運營的委員會,其主要是促進AAPI(亞太裔)社區的大學適應能力。通過促進高中生進入大學的平台和學術過渡變得更加順暢,學生諮詢委員會旨在緩解與過渡到大學生活相關的壓力內涵。這一年的承諾將涉及以下一些方面:
- 規劃一些關於大學導師與高中畢業生的進展活動
- 參與職業發展機會
- 為社區成員管理網絡諮詢,以分享故事,建立並保持聯繫
想了解更多信息, 請聯繫Suzan Lam, 大學之道輔導中心的主任。 郵箱地址: