CPC Statement on Home Care Workers' Call to End 24-Hour Shifts and Make Two 12-Hour Split Shifts Universal | Chinese-American Planning Council
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CPC Statement on Home Care Workers' Call to End 24-Hour Shifts and Make Two 12-Hour Split Shifts Universal



Date: June 27, 2024

Contact: Wayne Ho, President and CEO | (212) 941-0920 x 143 | who@cpc-nyc.org

CPC Statement on Home Care Workers' Call to End 24-Hour Shifts and Make Two 12-Hour Split Shifts Universal


New York, NY  The Chinese-American Planning Council (CPC) and our subsidiary, CPC Home Attendant Program (CPCHAP), are in full support of home care workers in their call to end 24-hour shifts and to make two 12-hour split shifts universal. Unfortunately, 24-hour shifts are mandated by State law and determined by insurance companies. Like all home care agencies, CPCHAP does not have the power to split 24-hour shifts on our own. Aging Committee Chair Assembly Member Ron Kim recently acknowledged that health insurance companies determine split shifts, not home care agencies


CPC has been advocating for State reform for years. We continue to push for legislation that mandates the State to replace 24-hour shifts with two 12-hour split shifts to ensure that home care workers receive full and equitable compensation for every hour they dedicate to their essential roles. Because home care is funded by Medicaid and regulated by State agencies, we focus our advocacy at the State level. CPC does not have a position on the No More 24 Act at the City Council and has not written letters, testified at hearings, or met with Council Members about the bill.


CPCHAP is committed to doing right by our workers, as evident that we have spent nearly $6 million on overtime, bonuses, and reimbursement for travel and PPE and that we entered an agreement with 1199SEIU to pay our home care workers $19.15 per hour, which is more than the State mandated hourly wage. As a long-time, proud unionized organization, CPCHAP respects our home care workers’ election of 1199SEIU as their advocate and representative and acknowledges 1199SEIU’s grievance process to address worker concerns, including the arbitrator’s decision to establish a Special Wage Fund of nearly $40 million to resolve wage and hour claims.


There are over 11,000 24-hour cases throughout New York State, and CPCHAP has only 39 24-hour cases and 38 12-hour split shift cases out of our total caseload of nearly 2,500. We continue to advocate to the NYC Human Resources Administration (HRA) and health insurance companies to split our remaining 24-hour shifts, which has been partially successful as our 24-hour cases have decreased from 54 to 39 in two years. CPCHAP also tried to decline accepting any more 24-hour cases, but HRA threatened to terminate our contract if we continued to do so, which would have been a loss for both our home care workers and clients if that were to happen.


CPCHAP continues to comply with all New York State Medicaid rules and requirements, as well as Department of Labor laws, court decisions, and union agreements, including how 24-hour cases are handled and how interruptions are compensated. The State Office of Medicaid Inspector General audited our 24-hour cases recently and gave us a 100% rating in being in full compliance, and HRA audits consistently show that we are 100% in full compliance. CPCHAP has earned a reputation as a “go to” preferred agency among home care workers because we uphold the rights and dignity of each of our workers and because we provide their preferred shifts to the extent that caseload and Medicaid allow.


The 13-hour rule (workers are paid for 13 hours of a 24-hour live-in shift unless there are interruptions, and home care agencies are reimbursed for only 13 hours) is unsustainable and unfair to home care workers, who deserve to be fully compensated for every hour in their patients’ homes. CPCHAP is in full support of ending our 24-hour shifts and providing two 12-hour split shifts going forward and would do so ourselves if we could; however, despite our best attempts, we have been unsuccessful because of State policies and Medicaid regulations.


We will continue to work with allies, workers, and patients to advocate for the Governor and State Legislature to end 24-hour shifts and to ensure Fair Pay for Home Care, which will build a just and caring economy in New York State. We are doing all we can to do right by home care workers, serve patients, and reform the Medicaid system.




華人策劃協會 (CPC) 及子公司華策會家庭服務員項目公司 (CPCHAP) 全力支持家庭護理人員呼籲結束24小時制度,並普及兩個12 小時輪班制。遺憾的是,24小時制度是由州政府法律強制規定,並由保險公司決定CPCHAP和所有家庭護理機構一樣, 沒有權力自行拆分 24 小時制度。紐約州眾議員、老齡委員會主席金兌錫 (Ron Kim) 最近提到,是由醫療保險公司決定拆分制,而不是家庭護理機構


CPCHAP致力於為我們的工人提供公平對待,我們已經使用近600萬美元用於加班、獎金、出行費和個人防護裝備的補償,並與1199SEIU簽訂協定,為我們的家庭護理員工支付每小時19.15美元的工資,高於州規定的時薪。作為長久以來引以為榮的工會組織,CPCHAP尊重我們家庭護理員工選擇1199SEIU作為他們的倡導者和代表,並明白通過1199SEIU的申訴過程,以解決員工關注的問題,包括仲裁員決定設立近4000萬美元的特別工資基金(Special Wage Fund)解決工資和工時索賠







About the Chinese-American Planning Council (CPC):

The Chinese-American Planning Council (CPC) is a social services organization that creates positive social change. Founded in 1965, CPC is the nation’s largest Asian American social services organization and aims to promote the social and economic empowerment of Chinese American, immigrant, and low-income communities of New York City. CPC is the trusted partner to individuals and families striving to achieve goals in their education, family, community, and career. 


關於華人策劃協會 (華策會):




El Chinese-American Planning Council (CPC) es una organización de servicios sociales que crea un cambio social positivo. Fundada en 1965, CPC es la mayor organización de servicios sociales asiático-americanos del país y su objetivo es promover la capacitación social y económica de las comunidades chino-americanas, inmigrantes y de bajos ingresos de la ciudad de Nueva York. CPC es el socio de confianza de personas y familias que se esfuerzan por alcanzar objetivos en su educación, familia, comunidad y carrera.