CPC Opposes Cuts to Social Safety Net

On April 30, 2018, CPC joined Congresswoman Nydia Velázquez and NYC lawmakers as a member of the New York Federal Budget Response Group to call on Congress to reject the disastrous cuts to food stamps, Medicaid, housing, and other social programs that strengthen the economy, improve the quality of life for all New Yorkers, and demonstrate how we as a city value opportunity and dignity. The New York Federal Budget Response Group is a state-based coalition, including FPWA, Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New York, Fiscal Policy Institute, Human Services Council of New York, United Neighborhood Houses, UJA-Federation of New York, Center for New York City Affairs, the Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York, The New York Immigration Coalition, Food Bank for New York City, The Met Council, The New York Housing Conference, The Center for Independence of the Disabled, and more. The coalition submitted a letter on behalf of 80 service providers asking members of Congress to fully fund these programs and defend them from budget cuts.
“The federal government proposals to cut SNAP, Medicaid and other public benefits, in addition to proposed regulations that foster fear, represent a blatant attack on people of color, immigrants, and low-income New Yorkers,” said CPC President & CEO, Wayne Ho. “In New York City, one out of every four Asian American struggles with poverty. Many of our community members rely on these public programs to make ends meet, and we should be expanding access instead of restricting it.”
For more information please contact Carlyn Cowen, Chief Policy and Public Affairs Officer at ccowen@cpc-nyc.org.
Media Coverage
- FPWA - CPC President & CEO, Wayne Ho, speak during the rally
- Black Star News
- NY Nonprofit Media
- Telemundo
Information on Social Safety Net Sectors Attacked by the Farm Bill
- Food Assistance (Source: Center of Budget and Policy Priorities)
- Housing (Source: New York Housing Conference)
- Medicaid (Source: Vox)
- Public Charge (Source: Center of Budget and Policy Priorities)