CPC Consumer Directed Continues to Provide CDPAP Services in Partnership with PPL

Date: February 21, 2025
Alice Du, Director of Communications (adu@cpc-nyc.org) | 212-792-4585
CPC Consumer Directed Continues to Provide CDPAP Services in Partnership with PPL
New York, NY – The Chinese-American Planning Council (CPC) announced today that subsidiary organization CPC Consumer Directed, which provides Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP) services to older adults and people with disabilities who are Medicaid eligible, is facilitating the transition of New York City’s CDPAP consumers to Public Partnerships LLC (PPL) as part of a statewide initiative. This transition will take effect starting April 1, 2025. CPC Consumer Directed will continue serving as the CDPAP facilitator for current consumers, while new consumers may select CPC Consumer Directed as their facilitator and receive assistance with transitioning to PPL.
From now until March 28, 2025, CPC Consumer Directed will assist all current consumers and personal assistants with transitioning to PPL to ensure uninterrupted care while remaining their facilitator. New consumers and personal assistants can also choose CPC Consumer Directed as their facilitator during this process.
The transition to PPL is part of the statewide initiative to streamline CDPAP services. CPC Consumer Directed, approved as a facilitator by the New York State Department of Health, will subcontract with PPL to ensure a smooth transition.
“CPC Consumer Directed has been providing personalized, multilingual CDPAP services for over 20 years,” said John Sullivan, Chief Operating Officer of CPC Home Attendant Program (CPCHAP). “We are excited to be selected as a CDPAP facilitator by PPL and remain steadfast in our commitment to ensuring New Yorkers receive high quality home care. Our dedicated team is working tirelessly to ensure that our consumers continue receiving exceptional service without disruption and that our personal assistants continue their employment with PPL.”
CPC Consumer Directed operates as part of CPCHAP, a licensed home care services agency and subsidiary of CPC, which has provided quality personal care to a linguistically and culturally diverse population across New York City’s five boroughs for over three decades. CPCHAP currently serves over 2,500 Medicaid clients and offers services such as CDPAP, home health aides, personal care aides, and housekeeping.
Recognized as a preferred agency by home care workers for upholding their rights and dignity and providing preferred shifts when possible, CPCHAP maintains a 100% compliance rating from both the New York State Office of Medicaid Inspector General and New York City Human Resources Administration audits.
“Like all types of home care, CDPAP is essential for older adults and individuals with disabilities to live with dignity in their homes and communities. As we support consumers and personal assistants through this transition, we look forward to being one of the 30+ approved facilitators for CDPAP,” said Wayne Ho, President and CEO of CPC. “While PPL will be the statewide fiscal intermediary that employs personal assistants and oversees the $7 billion payroll, CPC Consumer Directed will continue to ensure consumers and personal assistants continue receiving the culturally and linguistically competent services they have come to expect from us. We will also continue to advocate for Fair Pay for Home Care workers and the end of 24-hour shifts, promoting dignity and respect that home care workers deserve."
For more information on how CPC Consumer Directed is supporting consumers through the transition, or to get assistance with the process, please contact our CDPAP Registration Specialist at 212-219-8100 or email infoppl@cpchap.org.
For more information about CPCHAP, please visit https://www.cpchap.org/.
About the Chinese-American Planning Council Home Attendant Program, Inc. (CPCHAP):
The Chinese-American Planning Council Home Attendant Program, Inc. (CPCHAP) is a subsidiary nonprofit organization of the Chinese-American Planning Council (CPC). CPCHAP was founded in 1983, licensed by NYSDOH in 1998, and is one of the largest non-profit home care service agencies in New York City. CPCHAP serves over 2,500 home care recipients and employs over 4,500 home care workers.
Acerca del Programa de Asistente en el Hogar del Consejo de Planificación Chino-Estadounidense, Inc. (CPCHAP):
El Programa de asistente en el hogar del Consejo de planificación chino-estadounidense, Inc. (CPCHAP) es una organización subsidiaria sin fines de lucro del Consejo de planificación chino-estadounidense (CPC). CPCHAP se fundó en 1983, obtuvo la licencia del NYSDOH en 1998 y es una de las agencias de servicios de atención domiciliaria sin fines de lucro más grandes de la ciudad de Nueva York. CPCHAP atiende a casi 2,500 beneficiarios de atención domiciliaria y emplea a más de 4,500 trabajadores de atención domiciliaria.
華策會私人管理助理服務計劃(CPC Consumer Directed)將與PPL合作繼續提供CDPAP服務
紐約,紐約 — 華人策劃協會(Chinese-American Planning Council,簡稱CPC)今日宣佈,其附屬機構華策會私人管理助理服務計劃(CPC Consumer Directed)正在協助紐約市的消費者主導個人援助計劃(Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program,簡稱CDPAP)消費者過渡至Public Partnerships LLC(簡稱PPL)。此舉為紐約州政策倡議的一部分,CPC Consumer Directed將繼續為符合醫療補助(Medicaid)資格的長者和殘障人士提供 CDPAP 服務,而過渡亦於2025年4月1日正式生效。CPC Consumer Directed將繼續作為現有消費者的CDPAP服務協調機構,同時新消費者亦可選擇CPC Consumer Directed作為其協調機構,並獲得過渡至PPL的協助。
從即日起至2025年3月28日,CPC Consumer Directed將協助所有現有消費者及其個人助理過渡至PPL,確保無間斷護理服務,同時繼續擔任其協調機構。在此期間,新消費者及其個人助理亦可選擇CPC Consumer Directed作為其協調機構。
此次過渡至PPL是紐約州簡化CDPAP服務的一部分。CPC Consumer Directed被紐約州衛生部認可為協調機構,與PPL簽訂分包合同,確保過渡過程順利進行。
華人策劃協會家庭護理中心(CPCHAP)首席運營官John Sullivan表示:「CPC Consumer Directed已有提供個人化、多語言的CDPAP服務超過20年的豐富經驗。我們很高興被PPL選為CDPAP協調機構,並將繼續堅守承諾,確保紐約市民獲得高質量的家庭護理服務。我們的專責團隊正全力以赴,確保消費者繼續獲得無間斷的優質服務,同時確保我們的個人助理能夠順利過渡至 PPL 繼續就業。」
CPC Consumer Directed 為CPCHAP的一部分。CPCHAP是一家持牌的家庭護理服務機構,也是CPC的子公司,並一直為紐約市五大行政區內語言和文化多元化的社區提供超過三十多年的優質個人護理服務。目前,CPCHAP為超過2,500名符合醫療補助的客戶提供提供服務,包括CDPAP、家庭健康護理、個人護理助手及家政服務等。
CPC總裁及首席執行官何永康(Wayne Ho)表示:「與所有類型的家庭護理工作一樣,CDPAP對於老年人和殘障人士能夠在家中和社區內享有尊嚴生活至關重要。我們協助消費者和個人助理順利過渡的同時,亦期待成為 30 多個獲批的 CDPAP 協調機構之一。儘管PPL將作為全州的財務中介機構,負責僱用個人助理並管理 70 億美元的薪酬發放,CPC Consumer Directed將繼續確保消費者和個人助理能夠繼續獲得他們所期望具備文化與語言適切性的優質服務。我們也將繼續倡導家庭護理工作者公平薪酬及終止 24 小時制度,推動家庭護理工作者應得的尊嚴和尊重。」
如欲瞭解更多CPC Consumer Directed如何協助消費者完成過渡,或獲取相關幫助,請聯繫我們的CDPAP註冊專員,電話212-219-8100,或發送電子郵件至infoppl@cpchap.org。
Press Coverage: Epoch Times, Sing Tao Daily, World Journal, and NYN First Read.