CPC Receives Donation from the Mary Li Hsu Charitable Trust

On September 19th, CPC welcomed Ronald Hsu, brother of late sister Mary Li Hsu, for a site visit at Open Door Senior Center. Mary Li Hsu was a resident in Chinatown, devoted to helping the Asian American community for greater justice and equity.
As a Yale undergraduate, Hsu was an active member of the Asian American Students Association, known for spearheading the advocacy movement that successfully lobbied for a formalized complaint process for students facing racial or ethnic harassment. She also co-led an informal Bible study that offered a space on campus for Asian American students to grapple with both their racial and religious identities.
This past June, she attended the celebration of the Asian American Cultural Center’s 40th anniversary virtually and gave remarks to former classmates and mentees.
"Are you doing what you think is important? Is it going to help the world, even if it is just the little corner in which you live?" said Hsu.
Her legacy lives on at CPC. We are honored to be named as a recipient of the Mary Li Hsu Charitable Trust. This funding will be used to support Community Safety and Belonging Initiative, focusing on safety educational workshops and food distribution.