CPC Brooklyn Community Services Teaches Parents to Prevent Child ID Theft

On the first snowfall of this season, parents of individuals with special needs came out for a very important topic: preventing child ID theft. Nowadays, it is extremely easy to fall victim to identity theft. Children are 35 times more likely to become a victim of identity theft!
Esther Hughes from NY Department of State, Division of Consumer Protection, educated our parents on ways to identify child ID theft and how to respond when it occurs. Esther stressed the importance of reporting child ID theft as it can severely damage a child's long-term finances, credit history, and reputation.
What is one way to protect your child from credit fraud? Open a credit file in your child's name and freeze it. This way makes it harder for thieves to open new accounts in your child's name.
We want to thank Esther Hughes from NY Department of State Division of Consumer Protection, for coming out to present to our community members. This workshop was made possible by funding from Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) and Office for New Americans (ONA).
For more information about our Families with Special Needs program at CPC Brooklyn Community Services, call (718) 492-0409 ext. 302 and ask for Wei Zhang.
For more information about Office for New Americans Opportunity Center at CPC Brooklyn Community Services, call (718) 492-0409 ext. 313 and ask for Shuping Deng.