SJBC 2013 Application

(De)Constructing Identity
If someone were to ask you, “Who are you?”, what would you tell them? Would you tell them your race, gender, sex, personality, politics, culture, or something else? This summer, Project Reach is going to (De)Construct Identity by exploring our identities through arts, videos, photography, writings, support groups, trips, and many more ways to share our experience of what/who we are. At the end of programming we hope the participants will have a better understanding of themselves and their environment. Most importantly we hope the participants will want to continue their journey of finding their true selves along with making a change in their community, in society and possibly in the world.
• We are looking for youth who in the age range 13-20. • New applicants (those who have not been a part of previous summer programs) are strongly encouraged to apply.
• The summer program is a 5-week program (July 16- August 15) that meets Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
• Project Reach ONLY has 20 compensated intern positions but other applicants are welcome to join our program as volunteers. We will let those people know who they are before the summer program starts.
Interested? Fill out the application! Once your application is submitted, a Project Reach staff member will contact you to schedule an interview. The interview days will be from July 2, 2013 to July 9, 2013. So please check your phones or email often to get updates on your application status. The application deadline is on July 8th at 11:59 AM. Any application submitted after that time will not be considered.
For more information about Project Reach, check out our website:
If you have any questions or concerns please email us at or call us at (212)966-4227. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you and enjoy the rest of your summer.