CPC Confucius Plaza Day Care Center's First Ready Readers Parent Engagement Night

This school year, two of our classes totaling 40 students have the chance to take part in our new Ready Readers Program. On Friday, February 2, 2018, Confucius Plaza Day Care Center held its first ever Ready Readers Parent Engagement Night. Parents from our Ready Readers classes showed up to participate in their child's read aloud and activities sessions. In celebration of the upcoming Lunar New Year, both classes read a dual language book named "The Story of Chopsticks." After the reading, parents joined forces with their children in a relay race where parents transferred red beans on to a spoon with a pair of chopsticks and the kids had to transport the red beans into a cup on the other side of the room. At the end of the event, each family was given a copy of the book and a pair of chopsticks to take home.