State Senator Kavanagh Joins CPC Open Door Senior Center's Table Tennis Awards Ceremony

On September 6th, CPC Open Door Senior Center hosted the 13th Table Tennis Awards Ceremony. New York State Senator Brian Kavanagh joined the festivities and engaged in friendly matches with the men's and women's champions and runners-up. The event concluded a week of competition with performances by the Open Door Singing Group and the Open Door Dance Troupe.
Prior to the presentations, the Open Door Singing Group sang "God Bless America" and "The Open Door Senior Center Is My Home". Athletes from both men's and women's groups made a grand entrance, accompanied by the iconic music from the 2008 Beijing Olympics March.
The highlight of the ceremony was the performance of "New York New York" by the Open Door Dance Troupe, choreographed by the teacher Lu Yu, known for his previous success in the inter-district competition organized by the Department for the Aging.