CPC's Youth Services Cleans Up Hong Ning Housing's Parking Lot

November 22 -- Wow, what a job! The CPC Wellness Program at Hong Ning Housing, and the CPC Youth Services' Learn and Earn Program partnered up to do a cleanup of the parking lot at Hong Ning Housing for the Elderly! The lot was covered from the fall foliage as well as residuals from various construction and trenching that has been taking place there. Priscilla Fok, Resident Wellness Coordinator reports, "Shuk King Cheng, program supervisor, did an ice breaker with the kids before people started. The kids were very enthusiastic and hard at work, and they collected 10+ bags in a little more than 2 hours. Afterwards we celebrated with pizza, cake, and Ube ice cream!" The crew was also joined by Simon Weng, education and career specialist.