207 Human Services Organizations and Over 1500 Human Services Workers Release Open Letter to the Mayor Calling on the City to Fund Essential Services and Workers

Human Services Workers Are Always Essential Workers: It’s Time for the City to Treat Us That Way
Like health care workers, first responders, grocery workers, delivery workers, and more, human services workers are essential workers during COVID-19 and beyond. We are always essential.
We serve the most vulnerable where they are and according to what they need. We help seniors get meals and medications delivered and staff residential facilities, homeless shelters, and food banks. We provide home care to at-risk communities, keeping them from overwhelming hospitals. We help people navigate the unemployment system, sign up for public benefits, and fight back against predatory landlords. We provide services to address the rise in domestic violence and child abuse, and assist those impacted by the justice system. We help families navigate remote learning and staff Regional Enrichment Centers for the children of frontline workers and homeless children. We are mainly women, people of color, and immigrants serving our neighbors in communities disproportionately impacted by COVID-19, and for whom recovery will be a long and arduous road.
More than anywhere else in the nation, New York State and City contract out their human services work to us because they recognize that government cannot provide services to the vast diversity of New York’s population on its own. The work continues even as conditions have deteriorated. We have not received incentive pay although we are required to keep our programs open, are underpaid and have gone years without cost of living adjustments. We lack adequate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Many of our staff have gotten COVID-19, some have died.
We are working without adequate support from government. The City has threatened to reduce funding to many of our programs which are more critical now than ever. This has already triggered layoffs, contributed to widespread job insecurity, and hurt the communities who were already marginalized and isolated before the pandemic began. Throughout the crisis, the City has not successfully communicated its emergency response strategies to the human services sector nor has it sought to bring the sector to the table as real partners and active problem-solvers to jointly determine its plans, thereby compromising and in some cases, delaying the provision of needed resources to hard-hit neighborhoods. The City is also proposing policies that while well intentioned, will be unfunded mandates for human services organizations.
We demand that the City of New York ensure now and through recovery:
- All human services workers receive pay reflective of our commitment and essential services to the City. This includes hazard pay (incentive pay) and annual cost of living adjustments that have to be funded by the City.
- Human services organizations be recognized as essential part of the City’s rehabilitation and receive assurance that all of our City contracts and City Council discretionary funding will renew in FY21 so that we can continue our work.
- Human services organizations receive maximum contractual flexibility in FY21 to meet the evolving and emerging needs of the communities we serve.
- A FY21 City budget that prioritizes human services that support the neighborhoods and populations who have been most significantly impacted by COVID-19.
We are risking our own health and our families’ health to serve others through COVID-19. When New York begins to recover, we will be the ones helping the hardest hit New Yorkers put their lives back together. Without adequate support from the City, human services workers will not be able to carry out this work, and tragedies resulting from COVID-19 will continue to worsen.
Chinese-American Planning Council (CPC)
Greenwich House
Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation (NMIC)
Stanley Isaacs Neighborhood Center
82nd Street Academics
Abbott House
Academy of Medical & Public Health Services
ACMH, Inc.
Ali Forney Center
Apex for Youth
Apicha Community Health Center
Arab-American Family Support Center
Asian American Federation
Asian Americans for Equality
Bangladeshi American Community Development and Youth Services
Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation
Bergen Beach Youth Organization
Big Brothers Big Sisters of NYC
Birch Family Services
Boys' Club of New York
Broadway Housing Communities
Bronx House
Brooklyn Community Services
Casita Maria
Catholic Charities
Center for Court Innovation
Center for Employment Opportunities
Center for Family Life
Center for the Integration and Advancement of New Americans, Inc. (CIANA)
Child Care Center Of New York City
Child Center of New York
Chinatown Manpower Project
Chinese Methodist Center Corporation
Chinese Progressive Association
Citymeals on Wheels
Coalition for Asian American Children and Families (CACF)
Coalition for Hispanic Family Services
Coalition for Homeless Youth
Commonpoint Queens
Community Consultation Center/Henry Street Settlement
Community League of the Heights Inc
Community Options
Comunilife, Inc.
Concern for Independent Living, Inc.
Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation
Day One
Desis Rising Up & Moving (DRUM)
Dominican Women's Development Center
Educational Alliance
Elmcor Youth & Adult Activities
Emerald Isle Immigration Center
Encore Community Services
Fern Zagor Consulting LLC
Fifth Avenue Committee
Florence E. Smith Senior Services
Fox House
Girl Vow
Girls for Gender Equity
Goddard Riverside
Goodwill Industries of Greater NY and Northern NJ, Inc.
Graham Windham
Grand St. Settlement
Green City Force
Hamilton-Madison House
Harlem Dowling-West Side Center
Hartley House, INC
Head Start Sponsoring Board of NYC
Heights and Hills
Henry Street Settlement
Her Justice
Homecrest Community Services Inc.
Hot Bread Kitchen
Housing and Services, Inc.
Hudson Guild
I Have A Dream - NY Foundation
India Home, Inc.
Indochina Sino-American Community Center
Jacob A Riis Neighborhood Settlement
Japanese American Social Services, Inc
JCC Staten Island
Jewel Human Services Inc.
Jewish Community Center of Staten Island
Kingsbridge Heights Community Center, Inc.
Korean Community Services of Metropolitan New York, Inc.
La Colmena
Laal NYC
Lantern Community Services
Lenox Hill Neighborhood House
Life Dome adult Services
Literacy Assistance Center
Little Flower Children and Family Services of NY
Lower East Side Family Union
Lutheran Social Service of NY
Manhattan Youth
Maranatha Human Services. Org
Mekong NYC
Mercy Home for Children, Inc.
Millennium Development
MinKwon Center for Community Action
Mixteca Organization, Inc.
Morningside Retirement and Health Services
Mosholu Montefiore Community Center
Muslim Community Network
NAACP New York State Conference
National Association of Social Workers-NYC Chapter
Neighborhood Coalition for Shelter
New Settlement Apartments
New York Center for Interpersonal Development, Inc.
New York City Alliance Against Sexual Assault
New York City Anti-Violence Project
New York Memory Center
Nonprofit Finance Fund
Nonprofit New York
Nontraditional Employment for Women (NEW)
NYC Employment and Training Coalition
NYU Nursing
Ocean Bay Community Development Corporation
Odyssey House, Inc.
Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow
Option Center/ Goddard Riverside Community Center
Osborne Association
Outreach Development Corporation
Partnership for After School Education
Partnership with Children
People's Theatre Project
Per Scholas
Phipps Neighborhoods
Polonians Organized to Minister to Our Community, Inc.
Presbyterian Senior Services (PSS)
Project Hospitality
Providence House, Inc
Queens Community House
R.A.I.N. Inc.
Recreation Rooms and Settlement
Red Hook Initiative
Restore NYC
RiseBoro Community Partnership
RSS Riverdale Senior Services
RYAN Health
Safe Horizon
SAIL, Inc.
Sakhi for South Asian Women
Sampreshan Inc
Sapna NYC, Inc.
SCAN-Harbor, Inc.
SCO Family of Services
Selfhelp Community Services, Inc.
Services Now for Adult Persons, Inc. (SNAP)
Sheltering Arms
Sisters of Charity Housing Development Corporation
Social Builder USA
South Asian Council for Social Services
South Asian Youth Action
Southeast Bronx Neighborhood Centers, Inc.
Spanish Speaking Elderly Council-Raices, Inc.
St Nicks Alliance
St. Francis Friends of the Poor
St. John's Residence for Boys
StreetWise Partners
Sunnyside Community Services
Supportive Housing Network of New York
The Advocacy Institute
The Brotherhood Sister Sol
The Center for Anti-Violence Education
The Child Center of NY
The Children's Village
The Committee for Hispanic Children and Families
The Door
The Fortune Society, Inc.
The HOPE Program
The Jewish Board of Family & Children's Services
The Korean American Family Service Center
The League Education and Treatment Center
The New York Foundling
The NYC LGBT Center
The Young Women's Christians Association of Queens
Tolentine Zeiser Community Life Center
Union Settlement
Unique People Services
United Chinese Association of Brooklyn
University Consultation & Treatment Center for Mental Hygiene Inc
University Settlement Society off New York
UnLocal, Inc.
Urban Pathways
Veterans & Community Housing Coalition
Violence Intervention Program
Volunteers of America-Greater New York, Inc.
Washington Heights Community Services, Inc.
West Side Federation for Senior and Supportive Housing (WSFSSH)
Women For Afghan Women
Women In Need (WIN)
Workforce Professionals Training Institute
YM & YWHA of Washington Heights and Inwood
YMCA of Greater New York
Youth Action Programs and Homes, Inc.
Individual Staff Sign Ons:
Aakriti Malhotra, Clinical Supervisor,
Aaron Colbert, Group Leader, Goddard Riverside
Aaron Gage, Health Home Supervisor, Catholic Charities of Brooklyn & Queens
Aaron Mcintyre, Group Leader, Child Center of NY
Aaron Rooney, Clinical Director, Stanley M Isaacs Neighborhood Center
Abbeydawn Ruan, Community Habilitation, Catholic Charities of Community Home & Base
Abbie Brown
Abby Jeffrey
Abigail Weiss, Caregiver Social Worker, Heights and Hills
Adam Hallers, Counselor, Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow (OBT)
Adel O'Regan, Director of Social Services, Siena House Shelter
Adessa Nelson, Group Leader, University Settlement
Adjua Starks, Advocate Counselor, Goddard Riverside Community Center
Adrian Cheung, Case Planner, Child Center of NY
Adriana Lazo-Burgos, Administrative Assistant, The Child Center of NY
Adrienne Terry, Program Director, Brooklyn Community Service
Ajanae Jones, Downtown Goddard, Goddard Riverside
Ajinah Blount, SARC
Akaylah Tomlinson, Residence Manager, Providence House
Alba Rodriguez, Brooklyn Community Services
Albania Arango Esquea, Fee for Service Worker, Child Center of NY
Alberto Cruz, Chief Program Officer,
Aleciah Anthony, Director of Programs, FPWA
Alejandro Coriat, Tenant Organizer, Goddard Riverside Law Project
Aleksandra Shteyn, Billing Coordinator, Goodwill Industries
Alex Perri, Program Site Director, RiseBoro Community Partnership
Alexa Valdez, Program Director, Mosholu Montefiore Community Center
Alexander Morales, Superintendent
Alexander Ulbricht, Compliance Manager, Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services
Alexandra Martinez, Director of Adult Services, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center
Alexandra Menendez, Administrative Assistant, Palmetto Gardens
Alexandria Mitchell, Recreational Specialist, Sheltering Arms Children and Family Services
Alicia Torres, Director of Youth Employment Programs, RiseBoro Community Partnership
Aline S. da Fonseca, Aging Services Coordinator, Stanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood Center
Alisa M Pratt, Program Director, BronxWorks
Alisha Bailey, Counselor, Fortune Society
Alisia Bhimull, Accountant, The Child Center of NY
Alison Smith
Alison Solomon, Clinical Director, Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens
Alla Orman, Administrative Assistance, Concern Housing of Independent Living
Alla Weinstein, Assistant Director, The Child Center of NY
Alma Hernandez, Housing Specialist, Siena House
Altagracia Zapata, Teacher's Assistant, Goddard Riverside
Althea Davis
Althea Milton, Director of Child Welfare Services, Abbott House
Altiya Mahon, Case Manager, Turning Point
Alyssa Wright, After-School Group Leader, Goddard riverside community center
Amanda Colon, Safety Monitor, BronxWorks
Amanda Etienne, The Child Center of NY
Amanda Kogut-Rosenau, VP Programs, Nontraditional Employment for Women
Amanda Navas, Program Assistant, BronxWorks Inc
Amelie Crowder, Residence Manager, Providence House
Amiee Abusch
Aminata Cisse, Manager of Transitional Fellowships, The Fortune Society
Amir Taylor, Group Leader, University Settlement Society of New York
Amy Desautels, Assistant Director, BCS PROS program, Brooklyn Community Services
Amy Huang, Program Director, Grand Street Settlement
Amy Ortiz, Youth Counselor, Bronx Works
Ana Arzu
Ana-Ofelia Rodrigue, Director of Community Development & Government Affairs, Broadway Housing Communities
Anabel Rivas, Goddard Riverside
Anael Revil, Peer Navigator, Providence House
Anatou Zoure, Family Educator, BronxWorks
Anderson S Yoon, VP, The Child Center of NY
Andrea B. Kepler, Residence Director, BronxWorks
Andrea Bell, Providence House
Andrea Dogostiano, LCSW Program Director, Concern for Independent Living
Andrea M. Hessel, Psychiatrist, St. Francis Residence
Andrea Vaghy Benyola, Managing Director of Career and Education Services, The Door
Andrew Dillon, Program Director, Child Center Of NY
Andrew Karim, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Catholic Charities of Brooklyn & Queens
Andrew Lin, Program Developer, BronxWorks, Inc.
Andy Bautista, Group Specialist/ Gym, The Child Center of New York
Aneta Kuclo, Case Manager, Polonians Organized to Minister to Our Community Inc. (POMOC)
Angel Bonilla, Superintendent, Riseboro
Angel Mui, Counselor Advocate, Chinese-American Planning Council
Angela Taveras, Social Service Coordinator, Riseboro Community Partnership
Angeles Castellanos
Angelica Maria Perez, ECC Cluster Director, Goddard Riverside Community Center Early Childhood Center
Angelica Ramos, CHSD, Catholic Charities
Angelica Shoenfeld, Service Coordinator, Ocean Bay Community Development Corporation
Anjini Ramnarine
Ann Morgan, Administrative Assistant, Brooklyn Community Services
Anna D, Social Worker, JCCA
Anna Gold, JCCA
Anna Lucena, Home Visitor, Grand Street Settlement
Anna Samuels,
Anna Slupinski, Adult Literacy Instructor, Chinese-American Planning Council
Anna Zuba, Head Teacher, CPC Jacob Riis ECE
Annette Parkins, Administrative Manager, The Child Center of NY
Annie Garneva, Director, Communications and Member Services, NYC Employment and Training Coalition
AnnMarie Mejias, Stanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood Center
Anthony G. Horne MHS, Program Director,
Anthony Magnotti, Instructor, Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow
Anthony Rosado, Superintendent, Goddard Riverside Community Center
Anthony Santiago, Case Manager, The Fortune Society
Anthony Santos, Program Director, University Settlement
Antoinette Grant, VP, Abbott House
Anya Herasme, Senior Director of Older Adult Services, PSS
Aracelis Cabrera, Social Worker, The Child Center of NY
Arelis Garcia, Senior Day Hab Trainer/Site Supervisor, Brooklyn Community Services
Artrice Williams, Prevention Educator, Riseboro Coummunity Partnership
Ashari Edwards, Team Supervisor,
Ashlan Lippert, Social Worker, Assistant Program Director, St. Francis Friends of the Poor
Ashley Chang, Staff Housing Attorney, MinKwon Center for Community Action
Ashley Hinojos, Secretary, Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens
Ashley Ramos, Group Leader, University Settlement
Asia Hubbard, Resident Manager, Providence House
Atinuke Odunbaku, Accountant, Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation
Augie Acevedo, Program Dir. Clinical Consultation Program (Manhattan), The Child Center of NY
Aurora Guzman
Aviona Johnson, Safety Monitor, Jackson Family Shelter
Aviva Bauer, Therapist, University Settlement
Avra Dugan, Geriatric Wellness Nurse, Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens
Ayanna Roberson, Safety Monitor, BronxWorks
Ayendy Rodriguez, Immigration Paralegal, Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation
Barbara Brown, Social Worker/Case Planner, Abbott House
Barbara DiGangi, Director, University Settlement
Barbara Miliano, Program Director, BronxWorks
Barbara Reilly, Healthcare Compliance Officer, RiseBoro
Basheer Ibrahim, Group Leader, Fort Greene Prep
Bassel Ahmad, Housing Outreach Specialist, Goddard Riverside Community Center
Beatrice Adun, Aftercare Case Manager, Providence House
Beatrix Claxton Sierra, Administrative Assistant, Fox House
Beatriz Rosales, Catholic Charities at Brooklyn and Queens
Bella Cantos, Business Manager, RiseBoro Community Partnership Inc.
Benito Green, Psychotherapist, The Child Center of New York
Benjamin R. Sher
Benjamin Stanley, Maintenance worker, Greenwich House Inc.
Berlis Guerrero, Family Worker, BronxWorks
Bernadette Lachoff, Clinical Supervisor, Catholic Charities
Bernard Ruiz, Superintendent, Riseboro Community Partnership
Bertha lucky, Teacher, Riseboro
Betsy Guttmacher, Volunteer Program Director, Heights and Hills
Betty Kyle, Recreation Coordinator, Fox House
Beverly Gould, Mental Health Coordinator, The Child Center of NY
Bexabeth Gomez, Program Manager, Catholic Charities Brooklyn & Queens
Bianca Bockman, Food Justice Program Director, RiseBoro Community Partnership
Bianca Cornelius, , BronxWorks
Bianca Siu Davies, Social Work Intern, University Settlement
Bianca Willingham, Staff Generalist/Case Worker, Brooklyn Community Services
Bidemi Babajide, Assistant Controller, Jewish Child Care Association of NY
Bill Yeung, Director of Administrative Affairs, Chinese-American Planning Council, Inc.
Blanca Ramos, Navigator, RiseBoro Bushwick Homebase
Bobbie Flowers, Facility Manager, Riseboro
Bonifacia Polanco, ESL Teacher, BronxWorks
Brenda Colon, Assistant Teacher
Brenda Pagan, Assistant Director, RiseBoro Community Partnership
Brenda Ramos-Bin, Mental Health Worker, Child Center Of New York
Brian Chen, Director of Education and Career Services, Chinese-American Planning Council
Brian Davis, Program Director, The Child Center of NY
Brian Taylor, Program Specialist, BronxWorks
Brianna Vance Haywood, Group Leader, COMPASS @ P.S. 223
Bridget Carter
Bridget McBrien, Government Relations Manager, The Jewish Board of Family & Children's Services
Brigid Mitchel, Vice President of Development and Communications, The Child Center of NY
Brigitte Rivera, ERSEA Coordinator, University Settlement
Britney Hoobraj,
Brittany Yearwood, Mental Health Counselor, Brooklyn Community Services, BCS PROS
Brittney Thelusma, Case Manager, Catholic Charities
Bryan Lucero, Program Director, Chinese-American Planning Council
Bryn Towner, Director of Development, Stanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood Center
Caesar Tobar-Acosta, AmeriCorps Volunteer Coordinator, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center
Caitlyn Romano, MMTP Clinical Services Director, Greenwich House
Candace A. Anderson, Nontraditional Employment for Women (NEW)
Candace Brown-Faison, Msgr Robert Fox Memorial
Caonabo Martinez, Front Desk, Grandstreet Settlement
Carlene Baptiste, Supervisor, RiseBoro/Homebase
Carlene Sierra, Program Coordinator, Bronxworks
Carlie M Morabito, Mosholu Montefiore Community center
Carlos Gomez, Pre-K Lead Teacher, Goddard Riverside
Carlos Roman, Work Force Solution Manager Train & Earn Program, Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation
Carmelo DeJesus, Wellness Care Manager, Vistiting Nurses of New York
Carmen Bonilla, Community Organizer/ Tenant Advocate, Riseboro Community Partnership
Carmen Orozco, Family Advocate, Grand Street Settlement
Carmen Vega, Security Guard, Fox House
Carol Reid
Carolina Almonte, Intake Specialist, Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens
Caroline Iosso, Director of Community and Government Affairs, Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow
Carolyn Colon, Social Worker , University Settlement Society
Carolyn Johnson, The Child Center of NY @ PAW, The Child Center of NY @ PAW
Carolyn Kossow, Nontraditional Employment for Women (NEW)
Carrie Black, Deputy Director Childhood Development Services, CPC
Cary Garcia, Mosholu Montefiore Community Center/ DYCD, Mosholu Montefiore Community Center/ DYCD
Casey Lange, Senior Housing Outreach Specialist, Goddard Riverside Community Center
Casha Carter, Community Habitation Specialist, Catholic Charities
Casimiro Torres, Superintendent, The Fortune Society
Cassandra Glantz, Supervising Therapist, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center
Cassandra Seide, Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens
Cassey Tolliver, Program Coordinator, BronxWorks
Catalina Colon, Administrative, Catholic Charities Behavioral Health
Cate Graney, Program Director, University Settlement
Catherine Daniel, Weekend Front Desk, Concern for Independent Living
Cathleen Morales, Managing Housing Paralegal, NMIC
Cathy Gormley, Director of Programs, Heights and Hills
Cecilia Land LCAT LCSW-R, Senior Clinical Social Worker, Greenwich House Children’s Safety Project
Celeste Kaufman, Greenwich House
Celine Martinez, Case Manager, BronxWorks
Chamay Shaw, BronxWorks
Chantay Wellington, Family Worker, University Settlement Society of New York
Chantele Howai, Administrative Assistant, RiseBoro
Charlie Cheon, Organizer, MinKwon Center for Community Action
Charlotte Bruce, Maintenance, BronxWorks
Charm Little-Ray, Assistant Director- Preventive Services, Brooklyn Community Services
Charmaine Mercurius-Igiebor, Program Supervisor, Riseboro Community Partners Inc
Chrispin Charles, Peer Advocate, Catholic Charities
Christalee Perez, Program Assistant, BronxWorks
Christina Mansfield, VP Health and Wellness, Osborne Association
Christina Byrne, Executive Director, St. Francis Friends of the Poor
Christina Eisenbeis, DSP, ICL Joselow
Christina Johnson, Receptionist Supervisor, The Fortune Society
Christopher Baez, Group Leader, University Settlement
Christopher Rivera, Mentor, Bronxworks
Christopher Thompson Sr., Teacher,
Christopher Zambrana, Office Specialist, Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow
Chuck Park, Civic Participation Manager, MinKwon Center for Community Action
Cibele Vieira, Artist in Residency, University Settlement Society
Cindy Lawrence, CPST/PSR Worker, The Child Center of NY
Cindy Otero, Office Manager, RiseBoro Community Partnership
Cindy Rosario, Shift Supervisor, Sheltering Arms
Cindy Vargas, Teacher's Aide, University Settlement
Clarence Drake, Residential Aide, Fortune Society
Claudia Baldonedo, Senior Director, Workforce Education Center, LaGuardia Community College
Clifford W. Rice, Substance Use Counselor, CASAC, Fortune Society
Colee Bethany, Visitation Specialist, Sheltering Arms Children and Family Services
Colin Edgar, , RiseBoro Community Partnership
Colina Greenidge, Group Leader, University Settlement Society of New York
Confesora Castoire, Program Director, Unique People Services
Connie Tan, NYSSHP Service Coordinator, Riseboro Community Partnership
Courtney Granger, VP of Programs, Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow
Cristina Torres, Accountant, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center
Crystal Baptiste, Youth Counselor, Sheltering Arms
Curtis John, Porter, Riseboro
Cynthia Fernandez, Case planner, The Child Center of NY
Cynthia Jaquez, Senior Case Manager, Riseboro Community Partnership
Cynthia Nieto
Cynthia Rodriguez, Teacher’s Aide, Chinese-American Planning Council
Cynthia Rodriguez, Teacher’s Aide, Chinese American Planning Council
Dae Reyes, Benefits Access Program Manager, NMIC
Daisy Melendez, Teacher, BronxWorks
Dakim Duncan, Program Director, University Settlement
Damarys Marte, Assistant Administrator, Riseboro Community partnership
Damion Samuels, Director of Education and Workforce Development, Stanley Isaacs Neighborhood Center
Dan Hong, Social Media and Communications Coordinator, MinKwon Center
Dana Broussard, Case Manager, Siena House
Dana Yeary, CQI Specialist, BronxWorks
Danette Lipten, Teacher
Dania Catulle, Case manager, Catholic Charities
Daniella S., Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow
Danielle Gustave, Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens
Danielle Minelli Pagnotta, Executive Director, Providence House, Inc.
Danielle Pilgrim, Rehabilitation Facilitator, CCBQ
Danielle Whyte, Educator/Public Policy Team Member, Fortune Society
Danny Wang
Dante Mena, Repair Technician, BronxWorks
Dante Motes, BronxWorks
DaQuan Miller, Activity Specialist
Daquan Williamson, Group Leader, University Settlement Society of New York
Darlenis Ramos, BronxWorks
Daryll Caraballo, Activity Specialist, The Child Center of NY
Dashaan Jennings, Goodwill
Dashae Green, Youth Worker, BronxWorks
Dave Hughes, Managing Director of Communications & Marketing, University Settlement / The Door / Broome Street Academy
David Calvert, Director of Strategic Partnerships, Youth Action YouthBuild
David Collado, Operations Coordinator, Bronxworks MISC
David D. Phillips, Benefits Coordinator, Catholic Charities
David Loarte, Child Care Worker, Sheltering Arms
David Nuñez, Case Manager, Catholic Charities
David Pitre, Social Worker, Riseboro Community Partnership
David Rodríguez, Case Manager, Fortune Society
David Vigil, University Settlement
Dean Lizzi, CHSD, Catholic Charities
Deanne Warde, Social Worker, Catholic Charities
Debbra Peets, Catholic Charities Brooklyn & Queens
Deborah Albert Lenora, Director of Early Childhood, Goddard Riverside Community Center
Deborah Hazell-Theodore, Operations Manager, Turning Point Brooklyn
Deborah Kaplan, Director of Employment & Rehabilitation, Goddard Riverside/TOP Opportunities
Deborah Nunez, Director, BronxWorks
Debra Tirado, Southeast Bronx Neighborhood Centers
Delia Azcona, Assistant Program Director, The Child Center of NY
Deloara Latif, Teacher Assistant, BronxWorks
Deloris Lennon, Program Director, Providence House Inc.
Dena Kessler, Operations Coordinator, Greenwich House
Denese Mars, Afterschool-Program Director, BronxWorks
Denice Ray, Community Organizer, RiseBoro Community Partnership
Denise Astwood, Youth Worker, Goddard Riverside Community Center
Denise Doyle, Senior Recruitment Manager, Nontraditonal Employment for Women
Denise Lam, FTC Facilitator, SCO Family of Services
Denise Rumola, Assistant Director, Jacob A Riis Neighborhood Settlement
Denisha Rapier, Queens Task Force Specialist, Fortune Society
Dennis Ansong, Counselor, Concern for Independent Living
Desiree Arduini, Vice President- Care Coordination, Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services
Desiree Pagan, Housing Specialist, BronxWorks
Desiree Reese, Licensed Provider, Child Center of NY
Desiree Roper, Housing Specialist, Riseboro
Destiny Weeks, Safety Monitor, BronxWorks
Devon Lapierre, College Access Counselor, Options Center
Diana Garcia, Assistant Managing Housing Paralegal, NMIC
Diana Koulikova, Clinical Director, Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens
Diana Koulikova, Clinical Director, Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens
Diana Morozov, VP of Finance, The Child Center of NY, Inc.
Diana Neckles, Case Manager, Riseboro Community Partnership
Diana Peralta, Senior Case Manager, BronxWorks
Diane Basner, MSW, LMSW, Psychiatric Social Worker, VNSNY
Diane Blackman, The Fortune Society
Diane Singleton, CFTSS Worker, Child Center of New York
Diane Valente, Program Director, The Child Center of NY
Dieu Huang, Director of Program Support and Analysis, The Fortune Society
Dimitra Kostouros, Mental Health/Substance Use Counselor, Fortune Society
Disnalda Almonte, Head Cook, Bronxworks
Donna Lombardi, Group Leader, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center
Donna Price, Program Director, RiseBoro
Donna Schaeffer, Recovery Specialist, Concern for Independent Living, Inc.
Donna Smith, Providence House
Donnett Dennis, Residence Manager, Providence House
Doreen Ornelas, Client Care Coordinator/ Social Worker,
Dorian Martinez, Kitchen Aide, Bronxworks
Doris Naves-Beniquez, Family and Youth Engagement Specialist, The Child Center of New York
Dr. Mary Lutz, Active Member, NYC Metro Raging Grannies
Dr. Michelle Knapp, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, Substance Use Sequence Director NYU Rory Meyers, Greenwich House; NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing
Dr. Tiffany Letlow, Associate Director, The Child Center of NY
Dure Shahwar, Group Leader, COMPASS, Child Center of New York
Ebony Beaty, Service Coordinator Manager, Ocean Bay CDC
Ebony Wilson, Security, BronxWorks
Edgardo Quinones, Assitant Director, The Child Center of NY
Eduardo Rolon, Porter, BronxWorks
Edward Hickson , Housing Coordinator , BronxWorks
Edward Hutnic, Senior Case Manager, Concern for Independent Living, Inc.
Edwin Guity, Staff Generalist, Brooklyn Community Services
Edwin Ortiz, Maintenance, Providence house
Edwin Paulino, Driver, BronxWorks
Edwin Rosado, Training and Development Coordinator, NMIC
Elaine Cintron, Safety Monitor, BronxWorks
Elaine Daly, Aftercare Case Manager, Henry Street Settlement
Elaine Gorsline, Vocational Specialist, Neighborhood Coalition for Shelter
Elaine Schechtel, Clinical Director of Integrated Services, The Child Center of NY
Elena Zullo, VP, RiseBoro Community Partnership
Eliazar Suriel, Director of Finance, Violence Intervention Program, Inc.
Elijah Chapman, Group Leader, Jacob Riis
Elizabeth Benitez, The Fortune Society
Elizabeth Breier, Senior Training and Implementation Specialist , The Coalition For Behavioral Health
Elizabeth Hendler, Chinese-American Planning Council
Elizabeth Kennedy, Goddard Riverside
Elizabeth Lynch
Elizabeth Ostop, Program Manager, Brooklyn Community Services
Elizabeth Tavares, Adult Training and Outreach Specialist, Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow
Elizabeth Torres, Case Manager, RiseBoro Community Empowerment
Elizabeth Traverso, Program Director, The Child Center of NY
Ellen C Wageman, Director of Operations,
Eloida Baltazar, BronxWorks Inc.
Elsa Barkhordarian, Family Therapist/Social Worker, Child Center of NY
Elsa Del Valle, Parent Educator, Bronxworks HIPPY
Elsa Tapia, Office Manager , The Fortune Society
Emily Azer, Social Worker,
Emily Hartford, Institutional Giving Manager, Grand Street Settlement
Emily Weinrebe, Therapist, Resilience Lab
Emma Lopez, Senior Outreach Specialist, Riseboro
Emma Valencia, Program Director, OBT
Emmanuel Rosales, Social Worker, Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens
Eric D Green, Shift Supervisor, McMurray Direct Care Supervisor
Eric Torres, Program Site Director, The Child Center of NY
Erica P Sandoval, NASW
Erica Wan, Chinese-American Planning Council
Erick Rivas, Case Manager, Unique People Services Supportive Hosuing
Erik Antokal, AVP Programs, Nontraditional Employment for Women
Erik Chen, Assistant Director, Chinese-American Planning Council Holme Attendant Program
Erika Flores, Outreach Worker, Fortune Society
Erika Roldan, Program Aide, Grand Street Settlement
Erin Chung, Psychiatric Social Worker, The Child Center of NY
Ernest Davis, Group Leader, University Settlement
Esperanza Cruz, Program Manager, NMIC
Esperanza Torres, Director, The Child Center of NY
Estephany Despradel, Group Leader, Jacob Riis Settlement
Esthela V Gomez-Garcia, CHSD, CCBQ
Esther Bouloute, Assistant Program Director of Health Home Serving Children, The Child Center of NY
Esther Lizardo, Program Director, Riseboro Community Partnership
Estrella Montanez, Residence Director (at a Family Shelter), BronxWorks
Eugene Wiley, Group Leader, Jacob Riis
Eugenia Williams, Fortune Society
Eunice Huang, CPC
Eva Rojas, Kingsbridge Heights Com Ctr/Developmental Service Manager, Kingsbridge Heights Com Ctr
Evangel Woods, RiseBoro Community Partnership
Evelyn Cruz, Psychiatric Social Worker, The Child Center of NY
Evelyn Goins, Mental Health Counsleor, CCBQ Corona PROS
Evelyn Herrera, Social Worker, Fortune Society
Evelyn Peppas
Fabrice Coly, Intake Specialist, CCBQ
Fadra Baker, Counselor, Opportunities For A Better Tomorrow
Falyn Brown, Senior Advocate Counselor, Brooklyn Community Service
Fatricia Henry, Visitation Specialist, Abbott House
Felicia Hernandez, Recertification Specialist 1, Catholic Charity Brooklyn and Queens (Mercy Gardens SRO)
Felicity Bissessar, Billing Specialist, RiseBoro Homecare
Fernando Fernandez, , Grand Street Settlement
Fiona Zhao, Census Outreach Captain, University Settlement
Flora Lau, Chinese-American Planning Council, Inc.
Flotencio Agron, Intake Specialist, Riseboro Homecare Inc.
Floyd Coleman, Success Mentor, BronxWorks
Fran Keogan, Senior Program Manager, The Child Center of NY
Frances Law, Group Leader, University Settlement
Francesca Bowen, Controller, Riseboro Community Partnership Inc
Francis Blacklock, Prevention Educator, RiseBoro Community Partnership
Francisco Estevez, Youth Worker, BronxWorks
Francisco Negron, Peer Coordinator, BronxWorks
Franklyn Smith, Life Skills Coach/Rec Specialist, Sheltering Arms
Franklyn Smith, Life Skills Coach/Rec Specialist, Sheltering Arms
Freddie Gabriel, Receptionist, NMIC
Gabriel Fulcar, Clubhouse Coordinator, Grand St. Settlement
Gabriel Vera, Community Habilitation Skills Developer, Catholic Charities
Gabriela Simon, Group Leader, University Settlement Society of New York
Gabrielle, Social Worker, JCCA
Gail Reid, Director of Behavioral Health Services, Greenwich House, Inc.
Garren Freeman, Activity Specialist, PAW
Gary Lynch, Rehabilitation Counselor, Catholic Charities Open Door Club
Geneice Samuel, Group Leader, University Settlement Society of New York
Genise Acevedo, Clinical Director, Catholic Charities
George Davis, Case Manager, Fortune Society Inc.
Georgia Trim, Director of Adult Education and Literacy Programs, Opportunities For A Better tomorrow
Gerry Sherman, Horticultural Therapist & Garden Program Coordinator, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center
Gia Mui, , Chinese American Planning Council
Gilbert Torres, Porter, BronxWorks
Gilbert Wu, Health Educator Supervisor, Chinese-American Planning Council
Gilliann Haverty, Social Worker, NMIC
Gina George, Social Worker, Red Hook Initiative
Ginnie Juarez, Director of Field Operations, Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens
Giovanna Barbosa, Census Outreach Worker, RiseBoro Community Partnership
Gladys Fernandez, Family Advocate, Grand Street Settlement
Glenda Torres, Administrative Coordinator, Goddard Riverside Law Project
Glenmore Matthews
Gloria J Roldan, Office Manager SONYC Program at MS 318, The Child Center of New York
Goddess Stallings, Nurse, Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens
Grace Cui, Minkwon Center for Community Action
Grace Peters, Service Coordinator, Concern For Independent Living
Graikelis Morales, VP, Human Resources, RiseBoro Community Partnership Inc.
Grantley R Cadogan, Assistant program Director, The Child Center of NY
Gregory Robertson, Senior Director Youth & Community Programs, University Settlement
Grethel Samuel, Outreach Activities Coordinator, Grand St. Settlement BEST/NORC Senior Program
Guillerma Maritza Martinez, Case Manager, Taft Senior Center
Guillermina Beltran, Home Visitor, Parent Child Plus
Gustavo Aguilar, Success Team Manager, Goddard Riverside Options Center
Gwendolyn Bonhomme, Program Manager, The Fortune Society
Haley Gutierrez, Administrative Assistant,
Hallie McClary, HR Assistant/Assistant Facilities manager, St. Francis Friends Of The Poor
Hannah R Jacobson, Service Coordinator, Concern for Independent Living
Hannah Yoon, Grand St. Settlement
Hans Desnoyers
Haydee Morales
Hector Rivera, Building Maintenance Supervisor, RiseBoro Community Partnership
Helen Aponte, ViP
Helen Guzman,
Helen Marquez, Information Specialist, Stanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood Center
Helga Baltimore, Care Coordinator/ Care Specialist, Catholic Charities
Hellen Hung, Director of Development and Communications, The Korean American Family Service Center
Heriberto Amador, Maintenance Supervisor, Riseboro
Heydee Kunhardt, Home Visitor/Family Support Worker, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center
Ian McDonald
Iftekhar H Choudhury, Goodwill Industries of Greater New York
Ijeoma Ajunwa, Outreach Worker, Goddard Riverside
Ilene Valentin, Property Manager, Riseboro Community Partnership
Infinite Rahming, Census Captain , Fortune Society
Ingrid Gomez, Mental Health Therapist, Child Center of NY
Irbania Tavares, Chef, Fortune Society
Irene Branche, Chief Development and Evaluation Officer,
Irene Garcia-Mathes, Academic Advisor, CUNY
Irene Shalumov, Site Director, Senior Citizens League Of Flatbush/Midwood
Irma Harvey, Mental Health Worker, The Child Center of NY
Isaiah McLean, Group Leader, University Settlement Society of New York
Isaiah Nixon, Group Leader, The Child Center of NY
Isamar angel, Quality Assurance Manager, Riseboro Home Care
Ivanna Holly, Peer Advocate Bridger, Catholic Charities
Ivis Ortiz, Maintenance, BronxWorks
Ivy Bullock, Mental Health/ Family Engagement Specialist, Goddard Riverside Community Center
Jaclyn Zingman, JCCA
Jacqueline Morales, Director of Operations, RiseBoro Homecare Inc
Jacqueline Palladino, Clinical Supervisor, Catholic Charities
Jacqueline Rice Valentine, Quality Improement Coordinator, Abbott House
Jacqueline Spikes, Youth Worker, BronxWorks
Jacquelyn Gomez, Production Coordinator WAP, NMIC
Jade Elias, Director, University Settlement
Jaelyn Mercado, Group Leader, University Settlement Society of New York
Jairo Estrella, , University Settlement
Jamie Maleszka, Creative Writing Teacher/Grant Writer, The Fortune Society
Jamie Pagirsky, Housing Outreach Specialist, Goddard Riverside Community Center
Jane Adams, Educational Specialist, Brooklyn Community Service Family Childcare Network
Jane Golden, Chief Program Officer, Sheltering Arms
Jane Jing Chan Mei, Family Assistant, University Settlement Early Childhood Center
Janelle Farris, CEO, Brooklyn Community Services
Janet Anderson Bott, Education Director, Bronx House
Janet Cobeo
Janet Ross, CFO, Greenwich House, Inc.
Janet Sanchez, DV Paralegal, Northern Manhattan Improvement Corp
Janet Tsakos, Vice President, Administration, Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow
Janice Abrams, Housing Coordinator, BCS/Turning Point
Janician Salgado, Out Reach Worker, Grand Street Settlement
Janiis Dominguez, Case Manager, Opportunities For a Better Tomorrow
Janine Dixon, Senior Day Hab Trainer/ Direct Support Person, Brooklyn Community Service
Jasmine Bethancourt, , RiseBoro Community Partnership
Jasmine Miller, Case Manager, Sheltering Arms
Jasmine Montalvo, Service and Volunteer Manager, RiseBoro Community Partnership
Jason A Bocko, Academic Coordinator, Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation
Jason Candanedo, Program Specialist, BronxWorks
Javaka Walton, Custodial, Goddard Riverside Community Center
Javier Lopez, Chief Strategy Officer, Red Hook Initiative
Jaylin Butts, Census Outreach Captain, Riseboro Community Outreach
Jeff Shapiro, VP of Residential Services, Abbott House
Jemma Marens, Aging Services Coordinator, Stanley Isaacs Neighborhood Center
Jennifer Castro, Teen Specialist, Goddard Riverside Community Center
Jennifer Despeine, The Child Center of NY
Jennifer Feliz, Riseboro Community Partnership
Jennifer Vallone, Associate Executive Director, Adults, Arts, and Advocacy, University Settlement
Jennifer Ye, Bookkeeper, Chinese American Planning Council
Jenny Lian, Assistant Controller, Chinese American Planning Council
Jessica Behr, Educational Coordinator, The Child Center of New York
Jessica Cornfeld, Registered Nurse, Goddard Riverside Community Center
Jessica Cuttone, Youth Programs Director, Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow
Jessica Ferris
Jessica Hsieh, Program Coordinator, The Child Center of NY
Jessica Malbeck, Case Manager,
Jessica mclean, Case Worker, Abbott House Therapeutic Foster Care
Jessicka Duran, Counselor, Opportunities for A Better Tomorrow
Jestine Jennings, Program Director of Social Services, Sheltering Arms Children and Family Services
Jill Eisenhard, Executive Director, Red Hook Initiative
Jill Mullings, Outreach Coordinator, JCCA
Jimmy Beltran, Program Specialist, Bronxworks
Joan Bernard, RiseBoro Community Partnership
Joan Sass, Clinical Director, Catholic Charities Brooklyn Queens
Joan Scott, Teacher, Brooklyn Bureau Community Services
Joan Wilson, Registered Nurse, Riseboro HomeCare
Joann Locklear, Resource Assistant, Catholic Charities
Joanna Casuccio, Supported Housing Case Manager, Concern for Independent living
Joanne Klinger, C.R. Program Supervisor, Concern for Independent Living
Jocelyn Veliz, Counselor Advocate, Violence Intervention Program
Johaida Martinez, Case Manager, RiseBoro Community Partnership
Johanne Pierre-Louis, Case Planner, Child Center Of NY
John D Hughes, Juvenile Counselor, Sheltering Arms Children & Family Services
John Hughley, Maintenance, BronxWorks
John Jian, Personnel Specialist, Chinese American Planning Council Home Attendant Program Inc.
John Lataille , Social Work Supervisor , Catholic Charities
John Lytle, Placement Specialist, Goodwill of Greater NY & NJ
John McGrath, Director of Human Resources, Abbott House
John Park, Executive Director, MinKwon Center for Community Action
John Rivera, Program Director, RiseBoro Community Partnership
Johnny Marinez, Code Compliance Specialist, Riseboro Community Partnership
Jolene Rivera, Assistant Director, University Settlement Beacon Program
Jonathan Eckblad, Assistant Director of Adult Literacy, University Settlement
Jonathan Giron, The Fortune Society
Jonathan West, Maintenance, Concern for independent living
Jonelle Williams
Jordan Perry, Community Operations Supervisor, The Fortune Society
José Alfaro, LCSW, Family Psychotherapist,
Jose Cruz, Security Supervisor, Bronxworks
Jose Gallego, Case Manager, Catholic Charities
Jose Hernandez, Resource Assistant, Catholic Charities
Jose Manzano, Director, Goddard Riverside
Jose Medellin, Director of Communications, Goodwill Industries of Greater NY and Northern NJ, Inc.
Jose Ortiz, Manager, Riseboro community
Jose Ortiz, Jr., Executive Director, New York City Employment and Training Coalition
Josefina Perez, Asst. VP of Adolescent residential care programs, Sheltering Arms Children and family services
Josefina Urraca, Piano Teacher, Greenwich House Music
Joselyn Feliciano, Social Worker, Goddard Riverside
Joseph Blackwell, Youth Worker, Bronxworks Inc.
Joseph Cabelle, Facilities, University Settlement
Joseph Jung, Program Analyst, Carnegie Corporation of New York
Joseph Smalls, Care Coordinator, University Settlement
Josephine Adjei-Bosompem, The Child Center of New York
Josephine C. Andujar, Social Worker, JCCA
Joshua Sherron, Group Leader, University Settlement Society of New York
Joyce Rittenburg, Early Childhood Center Program Director, University Settlement
Juan Castillo, Safety Monitor, BronxWorks
Juan Zanety, Assistant Program Director- Social Services, RiseBoro Community Partrnership
Jubuli Paul, Early Learning Specialist, ParentChild+ (Jamaica)
Judith Lorimer Gannushkin, Director, #DegreesNYC, Goddard Riverside Community Center
Judy Chan, Outreach Coordinator, Chinese-American Planning Council, Inc.
Julia Floy-Ventura, Sr. Director, Child Center of NY
Julia Shields, Title Housing Specialist, Title Brooklyn Community Service
Juliana C. Cruzado, Group Leader, University Settlement
Juliana Maciel, Greenwich House
Juliana Wilkinson, Case Aide, Providence House
Julie Suarez, Case Manager, Brownsville Homebase
Julienne Elsayed, Family Advocate, Grand Street Settlement, Inc.
June Gomes, Rehab Tech, Goodwill Industries NY/NJ
Junie Clauther, Program Director, Concern For Independent Living
Justina Sharrock Brown, Alumni Coordinator, Stanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood Center
Justine Gonzalez, Employment Specialist, Red Hook Initiative
Justine Gottlieb, Administrative Supervisor, JCCA
Kahlii Thompson, Service Coordinator, Ocean Bay Community Development Corp.
Kahlil Mohammed, Youth Specialist ll (Shift Supervisor), Sheltering Arms Children and Family Services
Kaitlin Rottkamp, Lead Teacher, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center
Kaitlyn Curtin, Behavioral Health Specialist Supervisor, Astor Services for Children & Families
Kamrun Farzana, Community School Director, The Child Center of NY
Karen Bray, Marketing Director, RiseBoro Community Partnership
Karen Chien, Fortune Society
Karen Michue, Program Assistant, Grand Street Settlement
Karen Ramjit, HH Team Supervisor, Catholic Charities
Karen Taylor
Karina Cabrera
Karina Moran, Supervising Immigration Paralegal, Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation
Karlene Clarke
Karlie Mueller, Mental Healht Counselor, Greenwich House MMTP
Karol Peralta-Enriquez, Assistant Director, The Child Center of NY
Karren Azim, Community Habilitation Skill Developer, Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens
Karrie Mang Chan, Group Teacher, Garment Industry Day Care Center of CPC
Kary Ann Jimenez, Pre-K teacher, BronxWorks
Kassiel Gonzalez, Program Assistant, Violence Intervention Program
Kate Krug, Vice President of Development and Communications, Nontraditional Employment for Women (NEW)
Katharine Goerke, Social Worker/Psychotherapist, University Settlement Society
Katherine Aristy, Youth Worker, BronxWorks
Katherine Franco, Program Director, Basics Esperanza PROS
Katherine Polanco, Human Resources Manager, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center
Katherine Robles, Senior Employment Specialist, Stanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood Center
Kathleen Culhane, President, Nontraditional Employment for Women
Kathy J Lee, Chinese-American Planning Council
Katrina Brown, Teacher, Chinese American Planning council
Katrina Grant, Program Director, Brooklyn Community Services
Katrina Murray, Assist Director of Housing Services, Bridging Access to Care
Katrina Murray, Weekend Counselor,
Katylyn Adams, Housing Outreach Specialist, Goddard Riverside
Kavita Raghubir, Compliance Officer, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center
Kaylen Boglo , Program Assistant , Girl Vow
Keisha Walker, Family Team Coordinator, The Child Center of NY (TCCNY)
Keith Crosby, Program Coordinator, Child Center of NY
Keiza D Velez, Counselor, BronxWorks
Kellain D Semple, Resident Manager, Providencehouse
Kelly Pavich , Managing Director of Operations,
Kelsey Reenstra, Asst. Director, Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow
Kendra Dixon, Clinical Consultant, The Child Center of NY
Keng Lee, Community Habilitation Supervisor, Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services
Kenisha Drake, Resource Assistant, Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens
Kenneth Eriaidubor, Residential Supervisor, CCBQ
Kenneth Ye, Instructor, The Child Center of NY
Kenya Bryan, Fortune Society
Kenya Mata, Program Director, BCS
Kenyetta Oliver, House Manager, Brooklyn Community Services/TLC
Keri Goldwyn, Program Director, Goddard Riverside Community Center
Kerry Doyle, Brooklyn Community Services
Kesha Joyner, Special Asst. to CEO, JCCA
Kevin Schumacher
Kevin White, Data Systems Manager, Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation
Keydra Johnson, Senior Social Worker, Providence House
Keyla Rijo, Case Manager, Riseboro Community Partnership
Khristel Simmons, Director of Food and Nutrition Services, Stanley Isaacs Neighborhood Center
Kianna Donald, Group Leader, University Settlement
Kiara Brown-Small, Group Leader, University Settlement Society of New York
Kiedrick Hill, Maintenance Worker, BronxWorks
Kim Singleton, Human Resource Administrative Assistant, Providence House, Inc.
Kim To, Deputy Director, Mekong NYC
Kimani Isaac, Activity Specialist, Play After Work (PAW)
Kirsten Dagrosa, Social Worker, BCS
Kischa Negron, Maintenance Supervisor, Violence Intervention Program
Kisy Morales, Lead Teacher, GRCC at LSNC
Kit Lee, Public Housing Organizer, CAAAV: Organizing Asian Communities
Konstantin Detchkov, Postgraduate Center for Mental Health
Kristen Flint, SRO Building Manager, Goddard Riverside Community Center
Kristen Lopez, The Child Center of NY
Kristin Gruppuso , Site Director, University Settlement
Kristin Villani, Director, The Child Center of NY
Kristina Reintamm, Director of External Relations and Advancement, Brooklyn Community Services (BCS)
Kristine J Montañez, Director of Supportive Services, RiseBoro Community Partnership
Kristy Cordero, Social Worker II, Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens
Krystal Camacho, Database Manager, Stanley Isaacs Neighborhood Center
Krystal Reddick, Retention Coordinator, Nontraditional Employment for Women (NEW)
Krystle Raghubeer, Program Director, The Child Center of NY
Kseniya Schemo, Law Project Program Director, Goddard Riverside Community Center
Kym Jones, Quality Assurance Specialist, BronxWorks
Kyrone Doyle, Site Coordinator, University settlement.org
Laisha Rivera, Director, Ridgewood Bushwick Senior Center
Lakeisha Smith, Housing Specialist, Providence House
Lakenya Owens, Recreation Specialist, Sheltering Arms
LaKisha N. Williams, Assistant Director of Advocacy & Community Engagement, Goddard Riverside
Larissa Diaz, Teacher's Assistant, University Settlement
Larry Wood, Director of Organizing, Goddard Riverside
Latanya Waddy, DSP,
Lateashea Foster, Program Coordinator, Child Center of NY
Laura K. Dotterer, ESOL Instructor, University Settlement
Laura Kitterle, Staff Generalist, TOP Clubhouse (Goddard Riverside)
Laura Marceca, Senior Center Director, Greenwich House
Laura Molden, Case Manager, Concern for Independent Living
Laura Solorio, Maintenance Counselor, Catholic Charities of Brooklyn & Queens
Lauren Nieves, Vocational Counselor, Child Center of Ny
Laurie Merlis, Behavioral Health Business Manager, The Child Center of NY
LaVerne Merritt-Morrison, Clinical Director,
Lawrence Henagin, Kitchen Aide, Riseboro Community Partnership/Borinquen Plaza Senior Center
Layra Cabral, Service Coordinator, Concern for Independent Living
Lea Wersan, Social Worker,
Leah Richardson
Lee Heeter, Assistant Clinical Director, Greenwich House
Leonard Chavis, The Fortune Society
Leonard Rampergas, Group Leader, The Child Center Of New York
Leonie Wright, Program Director, Concern for Independent Living
Leroy Allen, Job Develolper, Catholic Charities
Leroy Allen, Job Develolper, Catholic Charities
Les Lopes, , Brooklyn Community Services
Lesha Irabell Daniels, Direct Care Worker, Brooklyn Community Services
Leslie Feigenbaum, Program Director, BronxWorks
Leurys Nunez, Riseboro Community Partnership
Ligia Mercedes Jimenez, Family Assistant, The Child Center of New York
Lilia Kuksina, Placement Specialist, Goodwill NYNJ
Lilian Deconescu, Director, Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow
Lillian Rodriguez, Senior Program Director, The Child Center of NY
Lin L Wang, Human Resources Manager, Greenwich House
Lina Sinisterra, Community Health Worker, NMIC
Linda Flores-Rivera, Education & Disabilities Coordinator, Grand Street Settlement-EHS
Linda Giuliano LCSWR, Geriatric Mental Health Program Director, Greenwich House Inc.
Linda Lew, Director, School Age Child Care Ctr, Chinese American Planning Council inc - Pike St. SACC
Linda Tomoney-Hill, Program Aide, BronxWorks
Linda Yantz, Executive Assistant, Goddard Riverside
Linet Pena, College and Career Advisor, The Child Center of NY
Lisa A., Assistant Director for Senior Center, Bronx House/Weinberg Senior Center
Lisa Amato, LMSW, Social Worker / Case Managment Supervisor, BronxWorks
Lisa Zhao, Attendance Verification Specialist, Chinese-American Planning Council Home Attendant Program, Inc.
Lisseth Ramos, Case Worker, BEST Program
Lissette Gutierrez, Housing Economic Advocate, Violence Intervention Program
Liwah Wong, Administrator, CPC Queens Early Childhood Center
Liz Boynes, Associate VP of Human Resources Information System, The Child Center of NY
Liza Sanchez, Care Coordinator, University Settlement
Lois Lee, Education Director, Chinese American Planning Council
Lonnie T Singleton, Care Navigator, Fortune Society
Loretta Johnson, Jacob Riis Settlement
Loretta Winston, Engagement Specialist, Child Center of New York
Lorraine Correa, Counselor Advocate, Violence Intervention Program
Lucian Leung, Adult Literacy Director, University Settlement
Luciana Rubicondo, Borough Director, JCCA
Lucy Karanfilian, LMSW, School-Site Clinical Social Worker, University Settlement
Luis Campino, Gran Street Settlement
Luis Diaz, Mental Health Counselor (Jamaica Site), Opportunities For A Better Tomorrow (OBT)
Luis Vega, Superintendant, Riseboro Comunity Partnership
Luisa Estevez, Assistant Bookkeeper, Grand Street Settlement Early Learn Program
Lura Salm, Psychotherapist, Psychotherapy & Counseling Center
Lynelle Johnson, Youth Advocate, Child Center of NY
Lynette Crespi, Billing Coordinator, Child Center of NY
Ma Man Nam, CPC Open Door Senior Center
Mabel Long, Chinese-American Planning Council
Mackenzie Coulthard, Grand Street Settlement
Madeline R Passaro, NMIC
Madelyne Estevez, Social Worker, BronxWorks
Madison Candelario, Group Leader, SONYC @ MS74
Madison Garcia, Case Manager, BronxWorks
Madonna, Staff Accountant, Riseboro Community Partnership
Magalie Chery, Rehabilitation Aide, Catholic Charities Brooklyn Community Living Program
Magdelyn Peguero , Benefits Case Manager , NMIC
Mairead Keogan, Social Worker, Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens
Maksuda Zaman, Teacher, Child Center of N.Y.
Malcolm Hill, Music Instructor/Teen Coordinator, Jacob A Riis
Mamie Chan, Garment Indusstry Early Childhood Center
Man Cheung, Program Director, Chinese-American Planning Council, Inc.
Manisha Singh-Somdat, Program Director, The Child Center of NY
Manrique Vallar, Documentation Specialist, Northern Manhattan Improvement Corp
Manuel Guzman, Custodian, Saint Francis Residence of the Poor Inc.
Manyetta Warner, Family Coordinator, Park slope north
Marcia Bolivar, Supervisor of Call Center, Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens
Marcia Hargrove, Homebase Director, Riseboro Community Partnership
Marcia Mason, Senior Center Director, Goddard Riverside Community Center
Marcie S. Gitlin, Director , Center for Adults Living Well @ the Y: YM/YWHA of Washington Heights & Inwood
Mardelle Williams, Prevocational Counselor, Brooklyn Community Services
Margaret Della, Executive Director, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center, Inc.
Margaret Gonzalez, Youthbuild Program Manager, NMIC
Margaret Lescher, LCSW, Social Worker, Greenwich House
Margaret Licari, Sr. Case Manager, Concern for Independant Living
Margaret Meehan, Program Director, BronxWorks
Margaret Millman, Administrative Assistant to CEO, Abbott House
Margarita Carrera, Social Worker, The Child Center of NY
Margarita De Canas, Home Visitor, The Child Center of NY Corona
Margarita Rosado, Security Supervisor, BronxWorks
Maria Alers, Counselor, PS 130 BronxWorks Afterschool
Maria Diaz, Sr. Director
María Estela Dominguez
Maria Felix, Safety Monitor , BronxWorks
Maria Iskaros, Program Coordinator, BronxWorks
Maria Lizardo, Executive Director, NMIC
Maria McQuade, Program Director, SCO Family of Services
Maria Medrano, Operations Coordinator, NMIC
Maria Ramos Guzman, Community Health Worker, Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation
Maria Santos, Health and Nutrition Coordinator, Grand St Settlement
Mariah Coache, Socio Therapist, Abbott House
Mariah HallBilsback, Social Worker, Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens
Mariam Akter, Family Worker, The Child Center of New York
Maribel Salabarria, Site Director, Sheltering Arms Children and Family Services
Maricela Romero, Therapist, The Child Center of NY
Marie I. Legagneur , Residential Counselor, Catholic Charity
Marie Jean Francois, Pre-K Teacher, BronxWorks
Marie T. Mason, Vice President Early Childhood Education Program and Curriculum, The Child Center of NY
Marilla Li, Project Director, Mobility LABs, Chinese-American Planning Council
Mariluz Cruz, Receptionist, Riseboro Community Partnership
Marilyn Tanco, Career Advisor, The Fortune Society
Marino Frias, Assistant Director/Evening Coordinator, The Child Center of NY
Marisol Alvarez
Marisol Figueroa, Program Manager,
Marisol Torres, Teacher, Grand Street Settlement
Marisol Torres, Security Guard, BronxWorks
Maritza Feliciano Potter, Intake Coordinator, RiseBoro Community Partnership
Maritza Hernandez, Program Director, Child Development Center of the Mosholu Montefiore Community Center
Maritza Ortiz, Case Manager, BronxWorks
Mark Pabellon, HR Operations / Compliance Manager, ShelteringArms Children & Family Services
Markeisha Lightner, Group Leader, University Settlement Society of New York
Marlene Delgado, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center
Marnelcy Rosario, Assistant Director at P.S. 84- Jose De Diego, Grand Street Settlement
Marsha Gayle, Residence Manager, Providence House
Marsha Martinez, Youth Specialist 123, 162 NSP Program
Marta Kaminski, Assistant Program Director,
Marta Sokolowski, Substance Abuse Counselor, Fortune Society
Martha Ma, Farm Manager and Educator, Riseboro Community Partnership
Martin Sussman , Vice President, Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens
Martina E Surrency, Director, Family Child Care Network, Brooklyn Community Services
Martine Faustin, Administrative Secretary, Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens
Mary Adams, Associate Executive Director for Mental Health, University Settlement
Mary Anne Deperalta, CHSD, Catholic Charities
Mary Beckett, Security Guard, Fox House
Maryam Ansari, Case Planner, Abbott House
MaryEllen Mayo, Social Work Supervisor, Abbott House
Matthew Mangiapane, Program & Site Director, Concern for Independent Living, Inc.
Maureen Fischer, Clinical Supervisor, The Fortune Society
Maurice Rawls, Grand St. Settlement
Maxine Gordon
Maxine Gordon, DPS Worker, Sheltering Arms
Maxine Shoulders, Mosholu Montefiore Day Camp Asst. Director, Mosholu Montefiore Day Camp
Mayra Mantilla, University Settlement
Megan Donovan, Chinese-American Planning Council
Megan Gilmartin, Senior Court Advocate, The Fortune Society
Megan Nelson, Caregiver Social Worker, Heights and Hills
Mehak Mahmood, Program Director, The Child Center of NY
Melinda Peter, Intake and Retention Specialist, Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow
Melissa Delgado, JCCA
Melissa Levinsohn
Melissa McLeod, Director of Development,
Melissa Rodriguez, Administrative Assistant, University Settlement Society of New York
Melissa Wheatly, Case Manager, Providence House
Melody James, Therapist, The Child Center of NY
Melody Yang, MSS Access Health Specialist, Chinese-American Planning Council
Meng-Che Tsai, University Settlement
Mercedes Robinson, Academic and Career Counselor, NMIC
Meridith Sopher, VP Child Welfare & Juvenile Justice, Sheltering Arms Children & Family Services
Mertis Pearson, Administrator Program Coodinator/Landlord Agent, Brooklyn Community Services-Turning Point
Mia Muratore, Deputy Director, Hartley House
Michael Guzman, Custodian, Saint Francis Residence of the Poor Inc
Michael Harris, Operations Auditor, Fortune Society
Michael Jackson, Porter
Michael Kourouklis, Job Coach/Deafness Specialist, Brooklyn Community Services
Michael Lopez, Red Hook Initiative
Michael Martinez, Engagement Specialists, The Child Center Of New York
Michael Pariaug, Senior Case Manager, Goodwill Industries of Greater NY and Northern NJ
Michael Rieger, Program Director, Jacob A. Riis Neighborhood Settlement
Michael Rublin, Social Worker, Heights and Hills
Michael Velez, Director of Case Management & FV Program, RiseBoro Community Partnership
Michal Gordon, Goddard Riverside - Options Center
Micharey Almanzar, Academic and Career Counselor, Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation
Michele Basquiat, Foster Care Director, Abbott House
Michele Neuhaus, Program Director, The Child Center of NY
Michele Rodriguez, Program Director, University Settlement
Michell Marin, Case Manager, Riseboro Community Partnership
Michelle Cameo, Violence Intervention Program
Michelle Currier, Educator, Greenwich House Pottery
Michelle Dawson, Social Worker, Catholic Charities
Michelle Lopez, Human Resources Assistant, Greenwich House, Inc.
Michelle Miles, Career Advisor, The Fortune Society
Michelle Mohammed, ATLAS Assistant Program Director, Riseboro Community Partnership
Michelle Paige, Associate Executive Director, University Settlement
Michelle Sanderson, Program Director, Goddard Riverside Community Center
Michellina Hunter, Recruiter, The Fortune Society
Miguel Almanzar, Group Leader, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center
Miguel Chavez, Group Leader, Compass @56
Miguel Pizarro
Milagros Betancourt, Outreach Worker, Goddard Riverside Community Center
Milagros Navarro, Goddard Riverside - MOC
Mildred Valdez, Counselor Advocate, Violence Intervention Program
Mimi Woldemariam, Deputy Director, Youth Services Manhattan, Grand Street Settlement
Mindy Weinblatt, Case Management Supervisor, Heights and Hills
Miriam Garcia, Peer Navigator, The Fortune Society
Miriam Valero, Social Worker, The Child Center of NY
Mitch Wu, Director, Queens Services, CPC
Mohamed Kamara, Direct Care Worker, Sheltering Arms Children & Family services
Mollie McMahon, Data Analyst, Fortune Society
Mona A. Abu Rayyan, , Women for Afghan Women
Monica Batson, Social Work Case Manager, Heights and Hills
Monica Enciso, Goddard Riverside Community Center
Monica I Romero, Clinical Site Director, Sheltering Arms Children and Family Services
Monica Suarez, Psychiatric Social Worker, The Child Center of NY
Monica Vargas, Geriatric Mental Health Initiative (GMHI) Counselor, BronxWorks
Monique Flores, Associate Executive Director, University Settlement
Monique Maitland, Director, The Child Center of NY
Morgan Siegel, Assistant Director for Case Coordination, Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation
Mya Haley, Peer Specialist, Child Center of New York
Myinka Meyers, Group Leader, University Settlement Society of New York
Myles Sylvester Elliott, Porter, RiseBoro
Myriam Howell, Associate Program Director, Child Center of NY
Myriam Rodriguez, Case Manager, Riseboro Community Partnership
Nadine Bell, Residence Manager, Providence House
Nadine Ware-Evans, Program Director, Goddard Riverside Community Center
Naiyma Holmes, Director of HR & Culture, Red Hook Initiative
Nakita Hyman, UOC, Concern
Nalda Garcia, Maintenance Worker, BronxWorks
Nancy D.Simmons, LMSW, Social Worker, BronxWorks
Nancy E Wallace, LMSW, Psychotherapist, University Settlement Victory Guild Consultation Center
Nancy Olivo, 3K Assistant Teacher , University Settlement
Nancy Spannbauer, Greenwich House JCW Senior Center, Associate Director, Greenwich House JCW Senior Center
Naomi Dovdavany Goddard Riverside
Narcisa Ruiz, Program Director, Riseboro Community Partnership/Diana H. Jones Innovative Senior Center
Natalia Skalii, Financial analyst, Women for Afghan Women
Natalie Fein, COO, JCCA
Natalie Martinez, Director of Youth Employment, HANAC Inc.
Natasha Atkins
Natasha Pasternack, Social Worker,
Natasha Rebeiro
Natasha Sanchez, Group Leader, Goddard Riverside Community Center
Nataya Swinton, Program Assistant, BronxWorks St. Mary's Park Community Center
Nathalie Pierre-Louis, Case Manager, Goddard Riverside Community Center
Nathaly Nunez, Success Mentor, BronxWorks
Nathoue Noel, Program Coordinator, The Child Center of NY
Nelly Gomez, Communications & Events Associate, Goddard Riverside Community Center
Nelson Rivera, Supportive Housing Specialist, The Fortune Society
Nelson Sarweh , Program Coordinator , The Child Center of NY
Nia Tinsley, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, Catholic Charities Brooklyn Queens
Nicaury Then, Vocational Facilitator for YoungBuild Program, Northern Manhattan Improvements Corporation
Nicholas Ferreira, Vice President of Youth Development, The Child Center of NY
Nicholas Figueroa, Recovery Counselour, Mosaic Mental Health PROS
Nicholas Lozupone
Nichole A. Wilson, Family Support Specialist, Abbott House
Nichole Wilson, Family Support Specialist, Abbott House
Nicole Carter, Director, Phipps Neighborhoods
Nicole Johnson, Community School Director, The Child Center of NY
Nicole Kay, Senior Director of Programs, Jacob A. Riis Neighborhood Settlement
Nicole Reid, Assistant Teacher , Goddard Riverside Early Childhood Center at Lincoln Square
Nicole Stanczyk, Community Organizer, RiseBoro Community Partnership
Nikaurys Perez, Senior Site Director, University Settlement Society of New York
Niketa Sheth, CEO, Womankind
Nikki Bibby, , BronxWorks
Nilda Ricard, The Fortune Society
Ninoska Medrano, Assistant Director of Roundtable Senior Center, Riseboro Community Partnership
Niya Hicks, Goddard Riverside at Lincoln Square
Noah Veloz, ESOL Program Coordinator, BronxWorks
Noelani Love, Assistant Director Of Youth Services, Child Development Center Mosholu Montefiore Community Center
Noelle Weekes, Case Manager, Heights and Hills
Noemi Echevarria, Family Services Coordinator, Grand Street Settlement
Nora Labitad, Teacher, The Child Center of NY
Noris DeJesus-Petrone, Director, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center
Nyah Murray, Group Leader, University Settlement Society of New York
Nyeisha Staley, House Manager, TLC/ Transition living community
Olivia Zhu, Family Child Specialist, University Settlement
Oluwatosin Gbadamosi, Care Coordinator, Catholic Charities
Omar Amores, Program Director, Greenwich House Inc.
Omar Geter, Service Coordinator, Concern For Independent Living
Orlando Zapata, Commercial Janitor, Goodwill Industries of Greater NY & Northern NJ
Oscar Gamble, Counselor, Concern for Independent Living
Paige Bullard, Assistant Director, Jacob Riis Settlement
Pam Guigli, Senior Case Manager, Brooklyn Community Services
Pamela Wu, Health Educator, Chinese-American Planning Council
Paola Miceli, CEO/President, Services Now for Adult Persons, Inc. (SNAP)
Patrice Blake, Quality Assurance Specialist, Southeast Bronx Neighborhood Centers
Patricia Jones, Tenant Services Coordinator, BronxWorks
Patricia Silverio, Social Worker, Goddard Riverside Community Center--Phelps House
Patrick Nicholas, Social Worker, Heights and Hills
Patrina Raysor , Office Manager , Brooklyn Community Services
Paula Jurado, Case Manager, BronxWorks
Paula Lecorps, Case Planner, Child Center of NY
Peggy Herrera, Youth Specialist, Sheltering Arms
Peter Cheng, Director, CPC Nan Shan Senior Center
Peter Vasquez, Management and Housing Liaison, BronxWorks
Philip Wingfield, Case Manager, University Settlement
Phillipa Quan, Administrative Assistant, BronxWorks
Picasso Julien, Group Leader, The Child Center Of NY
Pierrette Guerrier, Asst. Program Director, The Child Center of NY
Priscilla Fok, Resident Wellness Coordinator, Chinese American Planning Council
Priscilla Minaya, Nutritionist, BronxWorks
Qamar Hunter, Youth Advocate, Child Center of NY
Qamar Hunter, Youth Advocate, Redfern Cornerstone
Qasim Ahmed, Group Leader, The Child Center of NY
Quashay Beckett, Group leader, The Child Center Of NY
Quenton Hunt, Program Director, MMCC
Quiana Ware, Brooklyn Community Services PROS
Rabaya Rahman, Mental Health Counselor, Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens
Rachael Graham, Case Manager, Providence House
Rachael Samuel, Social Work Supervisor, Stanley Isaacs Center
Rachel Cohen, Mental Health Counselor, Greenwich house MMTP
Rachel DiSalvo, Grants Officer, University Settlement Society of New York
Rachel Isreeli, RiseBoro Community Partnership
Rachelle Valbrun, Sr. Program Director, The Child Center of NY
Rafael Fornes, IT Officer, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center
Rafat Ansari, Instuctor, Greenhouse
Rahsan Taylor, Site Director, Sheltering Arms
Ramon Gutierrez, Staff Attorney, Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation
Ramona Diaz, Program Director, Brooklyn Community Services
Randy Millard
Raquel Martin, Director of Facilities, Brooklyn Bureau of Community Services
Raquel Morote, Case Manager, Jacob A Riis Neighborhood Settlement
Raquel Perlman, Caregiver Program Director, Heights and Hills
Rashid Littlejohn
Rashinique Shorter, Group Leader, University Settlement Society of New York
Raymond Johnson, Group Leader, University Settlement Society of New York
Raymond Ortiz, Homeless Outreach Worker, Goddard Riverside
Raymunda Ramírez , Assistant Teacher, University Settlement
Rayna Wang, Intake Coordinator, The Child Center of NY
Rayshawn, Recreation Specialist, Jacob Riis
Rayshell Richardson, Family Advocate, Grand Street Settlement
Raywon Puran, Maintenaince Worker, Greenwich house inc.
Rebeca Rodriguez, Head Start Director, Grand Street Settlement
Rebecca Goodman, Tenant Organizer, NMIC
Rebecca Grullon, Health & Nutrition Specialist, Grand Street settlemet
Rebecca Rawle,
Reinaldo Cruz, Porter, BronxWorks
Renan Morales, Operations Coordinator, BronxWorks
Rennelle Khan, Youth Advocate/Group Leader, The Child Center of New York
Reyna Espinal, Asst. Teacher, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center
Ricardo Lopez, Sr. Director Facilities and Procurement Services, The Child Center of NY
Richard Callado, Nurse Practitioner in Psychiatry, The Child Center of NY
Richard Tsao, Art Activities Therapist, St Francis Friends of the Poor
Rigi Philip, Women for Afghan Women
Roany Molina, Therapist, The Child Center of NY
Robert Cordero, Executive Director, Grand St. Settlement
Robert Jackson, Program Specalist, BronxWorks
Robert N Bledsoe, Controller, Greenwich House Inc.
Robert Redman, Maintenance-Superintendent, Riseboro
Robert Zuniga, Group Leader, Jacob A Riis
Robin Glazer, Director, The Creative Center at University Settlement
Robyn Siwula, Teacher Assistant, CPC- Jacob Riis Child Care Center
Rod Santos, Abbott House
Rogger Montalban, Youth Worker, BronxWorks
Rolanda Bushi, Education/Employment Specialist, HANAC
Ron Trinidad, Account Manager, The Fortune Society
Ronald Guy, Deputy Director, Goddard Riverside Resource center
Ronell John, The Child Center of NY
Roosevelt Jackson, Superintendent, BronxWorks
Rosa Maria LiVigni, Case Manager Supervisor, Heights and Hills
Rosalba Aquino, University Settlement
Rosalina Luongo, Assistant Department Director of Senior Services, BronxWorks
Rosalyn Brown, House Manager, Providence House Inc.
Rosalyn Ortiz, Consultant, Child Center of NY
Rosemarie Graham, Provocational Counselor, Bcs
Rosemarie Salazar, University Settlement Society of New York
Rosemary Khan, Senior Case Manager, Concern For Independent Living
Roshni Ahmed, Outreach Coordinator, Women for Afghan Women
Roxanne Callum, DSP, Brooklyn Community Services
Roxanne Welch, Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens
Roxy Stark, Senior Director, The Child Center of NY
Roy Baptiste, Program Director, Goddard Riverside
Roz Rodriguez, Program Coordinator, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center
Ruben Argueta, Case Manager, Goddard Riverside Community Center
Rukayat Ajose, Residence Manager, Sheltering Arms Children and Family Services
Ruth Tejeda, Navigator Health Care, Northern Manhattan Improvement Coorporation
Ruth White, Assistant Teacher, Grand Street Settlement Child Care Center
Ryan Dennis, Assistant Teacher, C.I.T and Counselor Supervisor, Greenwich house After school and summer camp
Sabrina Rodriguez, Client Services Specialist , NMIC
Sachaly De Leon, After-School Activities Specialist, Chinese-American Planning Council, Inc.
Sadie Mahoney, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center
Safiya Mitchell, Case Manger, MSW, Heights and Hills
Sagrario Garcia, Community Coordinator, Kingsbridge Heights Community
Saher Mahmood, Youth Development/Government and External Affairs Associate, The Child Center of NY, Inc
Saidah Jacob, Site Supervisor, University Settlement Society of New York
Sally Young, Teacher in the Arts Afterschool Program, Greenwich House
Samantha Gonzalez, Mental Health Counselor, Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services
Samson Baker, Educational Director, Barrow Street Nursery School at Greenwich House
Samuel Lee, Mental Health Counselor, Greenwich House MMTP
Samuel Ruiz
Sandi Rosenthal
Sandra Chan, Chinese-American Planning Council HAP
Sandra Contreras, Lead Tenant Organizer, Goddard Riverside Law Project
Sandra Credell , Program Director , SEBNC Inc.
Sandra Grant, Case Manager, Providence House
Sandra Hagan, Senior Advisor, The Child Center of NY
Sandra Uzamere, Safety Supervisor, Bronxwork
Sandra Vega, Assistant Teacher, BronxWorks
Sandy Jimenez, Assistant Director of Training, Goddard Riverside Community Center Options Center
Sapna Owais, Caseworker, women for afghan women
Sara Taki, Medical Director, Greenwich House MMTP
Sarah Carbone, Program Director, BronxWorks
Sarah Crawford Banda, NMIC
Sarah Echols, , Nontraditional Employment for Women
Sarah Funyak, Recovery Specialist,
Sarah Mace-Rodon, MHC-LP, CASAC-T, Primary Counselor, Greenwich House CDP
Sarah Robinson, RiseBoro Community Partnership
Saskia Chiaravalle, Counselor, Concern For Independent Living
Scot Philip Sherman, Legal Assistant, Chinese-American Planning Council
Scot Sherman, Legal Assistant, Chinese-American Planning Council
Scott Stepp, Director of Development & Communications, Providence House
Scottie Posey, Employment Specialist, Jericho Project
Selina Begum, Rehabilitation Aide , CCBQ
Seline Bearman, Director, The Child Center of NY
Semoy Roache, Case Manager, Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services
Senada Sabanovic, Behavioral Health Specialist, Concern for Independent Living
Senada Sabanovic, Behavioral Health Specialist, Concern for Independent Living
Serrina Goodman, Senior Corporate Recruiter, Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow
Sha-Dae Downes, Program Supervisor, Goodwill Industries
Shaddia Torres, Program Director of BCS PROS, Brooklyn Community Services
Shaina Rodriguez, Human Resources Director, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center
Shakia Lingard, Activity Specialist , The Child Center of NY
Shali Sharma, Department Director, BronxWorks
Shamaycha Nelson, Adoption Specialist, Abbott House
Shamere Billups, Group Leader, Jacob Riis settlement After School @ PS 111
Shamika Reddon, Administrative Assistant, BronxWorks
Shana Hosier, Child Care Worker/ Per diem Supervisor, Sheltering Arms
Shanazar Dupuy-Sandy, Vocational Educational Specialist, Brooklyn Community Services
Shanda Owens, Rehabilitation Aide, Catholic Charities Neighborhood services
Shane Narine, Care Specialist, Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services
Shanga Manning, Goddard Riverside Beacon
Shaniece Weller, Activity Specialist-Ready Readers, Child Center of NY @PS223
Shaniqua Glover, Educational coordinator, Goddard Riverside Beacon
Shaniqua Rogers, Direct Care Professional , South East Bronx Neighborhood Center
Shannell Barnes, Residence Manager, Providence House Women Justice Program
Shante Grant, Instructor, BronxWorks
Shantrice Simpson, Group Leader, The Child Center Of NY
Sharlette Velasquez, BronxWorks
Sharon Batts, Riseboro Community Partnership
Sharon Cruz, Goddard Riverside
Sharon Flores, Socio-Therapist , Abbott House
Sharon James, DSP, SEBNC
Shatisha Reid, Program Many, Sheltering Arms
Shaunda C Turner, Assistant Director of Residential, Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens
Shawndell Ealey, Transitional Work coordinator, Fortune Society
Shaylynn Boyd, Program Coordinator , Girl Vow
Sheila Cox, RN, Riseboro
Sheila Manion-Artz, Art & Activity Therapist/Case Manager, St. Francis Friends of the Poor
Sheila Mark, Family Advocate, Grand Street Settlement
Sheila Mitchell, Residence Manager, Sheltering Arms Children & Family Services
Shekeema Peters, Teacher, Goddard Riverside
Shenella Wilson, Counselor, Concern For Independent Living
Shenequa Whtiaker, Program Manager, Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens
Sheremah Little, Mental Health Worker, The Child Center of NY
Sherene Cheek, Maintenance, Providence House
Sherife Simnica, Clinical Case Manager, BronxWorks
Sherilyn Santiago, Housing Specialist, BronxWorks
Sherlyn Aikens, Director, The Child Center of NY
Sherlyn Aladas, Case Manager, Riseboro Homebase
Sherrell W., Program Director NYPD Community Center, The Child Center of NY
Sherrie Waller
Sherry Goldstein, VP of Agency Operations, The Fortune Society
Sherry Ng
Sheryl Alman-Charles, Senior Program Director, University Settlement
Shgoofa Rahmani, Case Manager , Women for Afghan Women
Shihua Kuang, Goddard Riverside Lincoln Square
Shinelle Wilson, Group Leader, P.A.W
Shiquana Lloyd, Group Leader, The Child Center NY
Shirley Xie, Senior Case Manager, Henry Street Settlement
Shomari Johnson, Safety Monitor, Bronxworks
Shonte M Armstrong, Asst. Director of Youth Services , MMCC
Shuk Cheng, Program Supervisor, CPC- Chinese-American Planning Council, Inc.
Shumona Shimi, Family Support Specialist at Transform, BronxWorks
Simeon Pollydore, Program Director, The Child Center of NY
Simon Chiew, , Chinese-American Planning Council
Simon Hu, Entitlements Specialist, Saint Francis Friends of the Poor
Simon Weng, Education Specialist, Chinese American Planning Council
Skyler Browning-Doorn, Care Manager, BronxWorks
Sonia Lugo, Program Assistant, Grand Street Settlement
Sonya Chung, Staff Attorney, Minkwon Center for Community Action
Sonya Katcher, Activities Therapist, St Francis Friends of the Poor
Sophia Heinecke, Program Coordinator,
Sophia Martin, Human Resources Coordinator, Greenwich House, Inc.
Sophie Simon, Director of Immigrant Services, Jacob A. Riis Neighborhood Settlement
Soraya’s Evans, Supervisior , Union Settlement Association
Sr. Cecelia Byrnes, Director of Operationa, Siena House
Sr. Lauria Fitzgerald, Housing Specialist, Siena House Shelter
Stacey Ruiz, Master Social Worker, Child Center of NY
Stanley Joseph, Health Services Case Manager, The Fortune Society
Stephan Coaxum, Activity Specialist, Child Care Center Of New York
Stephanie Diggs, Providence House
Stephanie Eng, Chinese-American Planning Council (CPC)
Stephanie Estigarribia, Psychosocial Rehabilitation Specialist, The Child Center of NY
Stephanie Feliberty, Director , Jacob A Riis Neighborhood Settlement
Stephanie Geier, Communications Associate, The Fortune Society
Stephanie Lee-Wong, Director, Chinese-American Planning Council, Inc
Stephanie Nandoo, Mental Health Counselor , University Settlement
Stephanie Rojas, Human Resources Associate, Abbott House
Stephanie Tossas, Program Associate, Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow
Stephen Silvestri, Housing Outreach Specialist, Goddard Riverside / Downtown Goddard
Steve Mei, Chinese-American Planning Council, Inc.
Steven Nunez, St. Francis Friends of the Poor
Steven Rothman, Social worker , Greenwich House
Sue Zamlowski, Employment Coordinator, Concern For Independent Living
Sugeily Gomez, Care Specialist, Care Coordination CCBQ
Sumon Chin, Chinese-American Planning Council, Inc.
Sunita Manickchand, Secretary, Catholic Charities Brooklyn Queens
Susan Chung, Senior Program Manager, Garden of Hope
Susan Gambale, Instructor, Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow
Susan Macaluso, Director of Community Arts, Goddard Riverside Community Center
Susan Matloff-Nieves, Deputy Executive Director, Goddard Riverside Community Center
Susana Maldonado, Case Manager, BronxWorks
Sy’errah Alexander, Group Leader, University Settlement Society of New York
Sylvia Rink-Ryant, Cook, Duffield Childcare Center
Syreeta Barkley, Housing Specialist, BronxWorks
T. Mansell, Program Supervisor, Concern For Independent Living
Tailaya Tomer, Group Leader, University Settlement
Takeisha Ellis, Case Manager, Stanley M Isaacs Neighborhood Center
Talia Banks, Program Director, The Child Center of NY
Tamara Vanegas, Assistant Group Leader, Goddard Riverside
Tamara Villanueva, Assistant Cook, BronxWorks
Tamia Mars, Abbott House
Tamika Fleming, Program Director, SCO Family of Services
Tamika James, Program Director, Greenwich House
Tanaya Richardson, Counselor, The Fortune Society
Tanesha Watkins, Administrative Assistant, Abbott House
Tania Franco, Home VIsitor - Early Head Start Program, The Child Center Of New York
Tania Liberata, Program Director, Child Developement Center of MMCC
Tanika Francis, Program Director, Mosholu Montefiore Community Center
Tanisha Proverbs, LMHC, CCBQ
Tanya Bradford-Kilfoyle, Behavioral Health Specialist
Tanya Krien, Vice President, The Child Center of NY
Tashaka Wynter, Assistant Department Director, BronxWorks
Tashawna Wade, Intake and Referral Worker, Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens
Tashema Husbands, Certified peer specialist / Peer Advocate, Catholic Charities
Tashena Mealing, House Manager, Turning Point
Tawanda Craig, Case Manager, Goddard Riverside
Teniqua Cooper, Assistant Program Director, Goddard Riverside Community Center
Teresa Reiter, BronxWorks
Terrence Reid, Recovery Specialist, The Fortune Society
Terri Saucier, Director of Employment Seevices, Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow
Theron D. Ison, Senior Project Director, The Child Center of New York
Thomas Cabrera, Head Maintenance Man, At. Francis friends of the Poor
Thomas Onorato, Substance Abuse Counselor, Concern for Independent Living
Thomas Torres, Peer Specialist, Brooklyn Community Services
Thomas Whitney, Executive Director, Stel, Inc
Tierra Holmes, Program Coordinator, Child Center of NY - Beach 41st Cornerstone
Tiffany Bell, Director of QI and Program Development, Abbott House
Tiffany Kennedy, Senior Social Worker, BronxWorks
Tiffany Ortiz, Client Care Coordinator/Social Worker, BronxWorks
Tiffany Slotkin, Family Ally, University Settlement
Tiffany Tacury, Senior Program Director, The Child Center of NY
Tiffany Torres-Resto, Case Manager, BronxWorks
Tiffany Windham, Bookkeeper, Walk In Center Catholic Charities
Tim O'Donnell, Communications & Marketing Manager, Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow
Timothy McGonagle, Teacher, NYC Dept. of Education
Tiquanna Lane, Senior Group Leader, University Settlement
Tisha Williams, Employment Coordinator , Henry Street Settlement
TJ Walter, Wellness Specialist, Concern For Independent Living
Tom Hormuth, ADL Life Skills Counselor, Concern For Independent Living
Tom Yeh, Grand Street Settlement
Tomas Ithier, Director of Building Operations, BronxWorks
Tommy Lam, Case Manager, Chinese-American Planning Council, Inc
Tonisya Newman, Residence Manager, Providence House Inc.
Tony Chong, Program Director, Chinese-American Planning Council
Tonyia Madison, Family Therapist, Child Center of NY
Tori Williams, Brooklyn Community Services
Tracey Elting, Director, The Child Center of NY
Tracey Spence, MSW, CCBQ
Tracy Miles, Outreach Worker, The Fortune Society
Trenay Darby, Group Leader, University Settlement Society of New York
Trenay Darby, Group Leader, University Settlement
Tricia Bayley, The Child Center of NY
Trish Anderton
Trish Luchnick, Director of Family Driven Care, Director of CFTS and HCBS Services, Astor Services for Children & Families
Turner Roth, Housing Outreach Specialist, Goddard Riverside Community Center
Tyler Berg, RiseBoro
Tyra Snell, Group Leader, Child Center of NY
Tyrek Elsheikh, Group Leader, YWCA of New York
Tyrese Tillman, Group Leader, The Child Center of NY
Tyrone Davis, Tenant Organizer, Goddard Riverside Law Project
Tyrone Major, Safety Monitor , BronxWorks
Valentina Usma , TheraCare
Valerie Agostini, Director, Grand Street Setlement Early Learn DOE
Valerie Lotwin, Service Coordinator, Concern for Independent Living, Surf Vets Place
Valorie Allston-Bell, Sheltering Arms
Vanessa Cotton, Social Worker,
Vanessa Hardy, Rehabilitation Aide, Catholic Charities Brooklyn & Queens
Vanessa Santiago, Case Manager, BronxWorks
Vanessa Soanze, Social Worker , BronxWorks
Venecia Camacho, Career Services & Education/Career Counselor, Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation (NMIC)
Verna Carter-Gaskin, Instructor/Security, Child Center of NY
Vernika Hess-curry
Vicky Soriano, The Child Center of NY
Victoria Beerman, Executive Assistant, Brooklyn Community Services
Victoria Green, Admissions Coordinator , Fortune Society
Viktoriia Zakhary, Senior Services Director (West 65th Street Senior Center), Lincoln Square Neighborhood Center @ Goddard Riverside Community Center
Vilma Donovan, Executive Assistant , The Fortune Society
Vilma Fermin, Educational Specialist ,
Vilma Ramirez, Medical Insurance/Navigator, NMIC
Vinette Henry, Accountant, The Child Center of NY
Violet Franklin, Assistant Director , Abbott House
Virginie Lee, Therapist, Flatlands Guidance Center
Vivian Rivera, Case Manager, BronxWorks
Viviana Steinberg, Senior Accountant, Violence Intervention Program
Vonae Martin, Group Leader, University Settlement
Wanda Harris, Case Manager, Goddard Riverside
Wanda Robles, Foster Care Supervisor, SCO Family of Services
Wanda Rosario, Administrator, Riseboro Community Partnership, Inc.
Wayne Booker, Job Readiness Specialist Facilitator, The Fortune Society
Wayne E. Tyre, Director, Goddard Riverside Community Center
Webb Casimir, Family Therapist , The Child Center of NY
Wedlene Simeon, Access Coordinator, Catholic Charities, Neighborhood Services
Wen-Chun Hung, Manager,
Whitney Braun, Youth Specialist, Sheltering Arms For Children & Family Services
Wilda Maurice, RB Homecare Inc. / Compliance Manager, RiseBoro Community Partnership
Wilfrado Rivera, Maintance Worker, BronxWorks
William Chidsey, Program Supervisor, Concern for Independent Housing
William Collazo, Service Coordinator, Riseboro Community Partnership
William Lampert, Clubhouse Staff Generalist / Employment Coordinator, Brooklyn Community Services
William Littleton, Director of Development, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center
William Ortiz, Community Outreach, Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow
William Scarborough, Account Manager, Fortune Society
Wing Shuen Tom, Supervisor, CPC
Xavier Dixon, Case Manager, Sheltering Arms
Yaina Rivera, Resource Assistant, Catholic Charities
Yakima B. Levy, Activity Specialist, Jacob Riis Settlement
Yanina Calixte, Case Planner, Child Center of New York
Yanira Rodriguez, Emma L Bowen Center
Yassi Gidfar, The Child Center of NY
Yeonjeong Park, Legal Services Coordinator, Minkwon Center
Yeshua Nunez, Success Mentor, BronxWorks
Yessenia Rodriguez, Early Childhood Trauma Therapist, The Child Center of NY
Yezi Qiu, Clinical Supervisor, The Child Center of NY
Yichen Mu, Family Resource and Support Worker, University Settlement
YingYing Zhang, Family Team Conference Facilitator, Chinese American Planning Council
Yolaine Castillo, Office and Building Manager, Goddard Riverside
Yolanda Colon-Graves, Division Director of After Schools Education,
Yolanda Garcia, Director, Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services
Yolanda Vega, LMSW, Program Director for Child Abuse Prevention Programs, The Child Center of NY
Yolanda Wallace, BronxWorks
Yold Delius, Community Educator, Grand Street Settlement
Yordy Rosa, Alumni Workforce Solutions Counselor, Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation
Youshell T Williams, Office Manager, Brooklyn Community Service Pros
Yusef Graves, BronxWorks
Yvette Felicia Thomas, Program Coordinator NORC RPT, BronxWorks
Yvette Ho, Education Director, CPC Jacob Riis Early Childhood Center, Chinese American Planning Council
Yvette Perez
Yvette White, Case Manager, University Settlement
Yvonne Liu, Outreach Coordinator, CPC
Yvonne Wilson, Senior Group Leader, University Settlement Society of New York
Zane Ferraioli, Substance Use Counselor, Concern for Independent Living - Surf Vets
Zereita Bleary, Case Manager, University Settlement
Zoe A Heegaard-LeGros, Vocational/Educational Specialist , Brooklyn Community Services
Zoe E. Johnson, Administrative Coordinator, The Fortune Society
Zuraida Salam, Teacher Assistant, The Child Center of NY