Bronxwide Anti-Discrimination Training

With the support of Speaker Corey Johnson, Council Member Daniel Dromm
and the New York City Council
Council Member Ritchie Torres
New Alternatives for Children, JCCA and CPC Project Reach to host
Bronx-wide Anti-Discrimination Training
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Friday, April 3, 2020
9:00am-4:30pm [breakfast and lunch provided]
JCCA, 555 Bergen Avenue, Bronx, NY 10455
This 12-hour, city-wide, Anti-Discrimination Training will bring together a diverse community of 30-40 service providers, educators, social workers, administrators and parents/guardians from community-based organizations and schools in The Bronx.
Speaker Corey Johnson, CM Daniel Dromm, CM Ritchie Torres and Project Reach seek to establish community and school-based Intergenerational Anti-Discrimination Teams of young people and adults trained to address bullying, implicit bias and discrimination in their communities.
Drawing from 40 years of anti-discrimination and social justice training, Project Reach will offer a unique opportunity to individuals, organizations and schools to experience its most successful and impactful workshops.
All adults who work with young people and are committed to ending discrimination and fighting for social justice are encouraged to attend.
To register/apply go to:
For more information: or
Don - (917) 749-6116 or Katherine – (315) 664-8059