Project Gateway Presents Financial Aid/FAFSA workshops in Fort Hamilton High School

Fort Hamilton High School Financial Aid Workshop
On Wednesday, November 20th, Project Gateway (PG) facilitated a resourceful Financial Aid/FAFSA workshop at Fort Hamilton High School in Brooklyn. A total of 59 parents and high school students participated in this event. Both parents and students were educated about the financial aid process for college-bound students and the importance of family involvement through the whole process.
During the workshop, PG counselors shared their knowledge and experience about navigating financial aid resources for college students. Topics that were covered include: completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), the purpose of the CSS profile, Excelsior Scholarship Requirements, and the Senator Jose Peralta New York State Dream Act. PG counselors provided detailed instructions on how to complete the forms and which form serves what purpose. After the session, PG also provided a FAQ session where parents asked questions concerning their financial status as low-income, 1st generation college-bound students.
*This session was conducted in Mandarin. If you are interested in having PG conduct a workshop for your group, please feel free to email
在讲解会上,PG大学顾问分享了他们曾经在大学的经历和经验。助学金讲解会主题包括:完成免费联邦学生助学金表格(FAFSA),CSS大学奖学金,精力求精奖学金要求和参议员何塞·佩拉尔塔纽约州梦想法案。 PG大学顾问提供了有关如何填写申请表格以及详细说明每一种表格的来源和种类。讲解会结束后,PG大学顾问还提供了一个常见问题解答讨论会,在该讨论中,家长向他们询问了有关低收入的第一代大学入学学生的财务状况的问题。
本次讲解会以普通话进行。 如果您或者您们的学校有兴趣了解更多信息,请随时发送电子邮件至。