Project Gateway Connects Incoming College Students with Peer Mentors

On a sunny Saturday afternoon, incoming college freshmen gathered to attend a Freshman Transition Fair to gain practical advice on what to expect during their first semester of college. In collaboration with CPC Project Gateway and EastBridge Foundation and organized by our College Advisory Council (CAC) members, attendees had the opportunity to learn how to budget their semester’s financial aid, navigate their campus departments and services, manage stress and even balance personal, social and academic life. Volunteer peer mentors engaged students throughout the activities and provided insightful advice on their experiences in college. Community members enjoyed the company of their peers and the advice they gave.
This event was made possible by CPC staff, our College Advisory Council (CAC) mentors who volunteer their time to plan and execute this event along with volunteer college mentors. Special thanks to Brooklyn Food and Beverages for co-sponsoring the event and Henry Street Settlement for hosting us. Additional acknowledgment to Carmen Chen, Justin Wong, and Kent Feng for serving as panelists and "keeping it real" about their first-year experience to the attendees.
If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a mentor in PG:CC, please fill out the application at
For more information about the program, please click here and here or contact us at
Instagram: @cpc_projectgateway
Facebook: @CPC.ProjectGateway
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