CPC Resource Navigators Support Rapid Testing Sites in Brooklyn

CPC's Resource Navigator program is helping the community through the pandemic. Recently, the Navigator team was in the field working to connect community members to resources at two Rapid Testing sites.
The first field work operation was at PS 503/506 and in partnership with NYC Health+Hospitals, Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and Affiliated Physicians that started on July 29th and closed to the public on August 11th. Due to increased testing numbers in Sunset Park, the site was extended only to community members residing at Sunset Park on August 12 and 13. Our team of Resource Navigators were a part of the field work team to inform community members about resources available to everyone regardless of the test results. The resource consists of NYC services such as GetFood NYC, Grab N Go food pick up locations, the COVID-19 hotline and NYCWell hotline. Our Navigators also worked directly with nurses from Affiliated Physicians to deliver and interpret the message to community members. Navigators debriefed community members on how to isolate properly and offered resources like the NYC COVID-19 Hotel Program to isolate away from family members. CPC Navigators filled many roles when needed, monitoring the flow of traffic and identifying and isolating potential cases from the rest of the community if they were displaying symptoms.
Our second field work operations started on Monday, August 17th at Brooklyn Army Terminal and is operated by NYC Health + Hospitals. For this rapid test site, our team is working hand-in-hand with the Test and Trace Corps to go through how to isolate properly. Our team has been proactive in educating the community on what to expect if someone is tested positive and referring them to resources that can help them during the pandemic.
Did you get your free test for COVID-19 yet?
You can get a free COVID-19 test whether you have insurance or not. Tests are confidential and safe. You will not be asked your immigration status when getting tested at a NYC Health System location.
Go to NYC.Gov/COVIDTest or text "COVID TEST" to 855-48 to find a testing site near you.