Gov. Cuomo Announces Additional Services to Assist Immigrants

On March 14, 2019, NY Governor Cuomo announced additional services that will help immigrants in NY state. The first program is the Rapid Response Program, which will be a part of the Liberty Defense Program. There will be dedicated regional attorneys available throughout NY State ready to respond to actions taken by ICE agents. The second, is the expansion of the New Opportunity Center program. The Office for New Americans selected 21 New Opportunity Centers throughout the state, which will be providing education classes (English for Speakers of Other Languages, community education workshops, etc.), naturalization assistance, and legal assistance.
CPC's Manhattan Community Center and Brooklyn Community Center have been chosen to take part in the New Opportunity Center program.
For more information on the Office for New Americans New Opportunity Centers in CPC's Manhattan Community Center and Brooklyn Community Centers please contact our multi-social services programs.
- CPC Manhattan Community Center: (212) 941-0030
- CPC Brooklyn Community Center: (718) 492-0409
Click here for more information on CPC Multi-Social Services
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