2-day city-wide anti-discrimination clinic for students and young people from schools, immigrant and youth-serving organizations | Chinese-American Planning Council
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2-day city-wide anti-discrimination clinic for students and young people from schools, immigrant and youth-serving organizations


Dear School and Community Partners and Friends,


On Thursday and Friday, February 26th and 27th, Project Reach will conduct a significant  2-day intensive, city-wide Anti-Discrimination Clinic at its 2,000 sq ft loft and training center in Chinatown.


The goal of this Clinic is to bring together as diverse a community of students/young people as possible from all 5 NYC boroughs, many of whom would otherwise never meet, and engage them in networking, learning from each other’s experiences and developing their collective skills in addressing bullying, bias and discrimination.


We also seek to establish community/school-based, intergenerational Anti-Discrimination Teams of young people and adults equipped to intervene, mediate and interrupt situations where bullying, bias and discrimination occur.



Please find the following below:


The Flyer


General Description of CLINIC


Registration Form


permission slip


letter to School



The deadline for registration is Tuesday, February 24, 2015.

Because we anticipate the need to address issues of sexism, we hope both male and female-identified students/young people will be encouraged to attend.

Completed registration forms can be sent to email: socialjustice@projectreachnyc.org;

fax: (212) 966-4963 or mail: Project Reach, 39 Eldridge Street, 4th Floor, NYC 10002


If you have any questions, please call me at (917) 749-6116.

If needed, this clinic will be replicated so that we can reach greater numbers of schools, organizations and programs committed addressing discrimination and to changing school culture.

Thank you for your interest and we look forward to partnering with you in creating safer and healthier school communities.