Fire Hits Our Building On Eldridge Street

The infamous building at 39 Eldridge Street, which has been home to the offices of Project Reach since late 2008, was hit by a 2 alarm fire in the early hours of Thursday, February 16th, 2012.
The fire started on the fifth floor of the building-- directly above the Project Reach office space-- where a Dance Studio had just been evicted. Although the fire did not spread to any other floors, our offices sustained substantial water damage and are currently closed off for repair. While our some of our documents, records, office equipment, and delicately constructed architectural model of our upstate farmhouse were destroyed, we are thankful that no one was hurt.
Project Reach was relocated to the Chinese American Planning Council's central offices for over a month, but has since moved back to the 4th floor of 39 Eldridge Street. The office is currently being refurbished.