CPC Becomes Non-Clinical HIV Testing Site with Mount Sinai Hospital

CPC’s HIV/AIDS Services has partnered with Mount Sinai Hospital HIV/AIDS Program - Comprehensive Health Program - Downtown, to provide free HIV testing as a non-clinical testing site the first Monday of each month from 10am - 2pm (by walk in or appointment) as of June 2014. CPC’s HIV/AIDS program staff are pleased to be able to offer this newly added initiative to enhance the ongoing case management provided to so many individuals in need.
This partnership and new offering to the community is serving a major need for the re-education and health of our community. There are still many stigmas in the Asian community attached to HIV, AIDS, and Sexually Transmitted Illnesses (STI’s) from denial to a lack of education to misinformation. CPC’s testing location is more discreet than going to a hospital, doctor’s office, or health clinic, which provides a small sense of comfort to those who have questions about their health.
CPC HIV/AIDS Services program staff said “Testing is the keys to protecting and taking care of you and your loved ones. When people call they are worried about getting tested and the stigma that comes with it; they agonize over this decision for a long time and we would suggest to them to take this opportunity to tested and not let the uncertainty of your HIV status affect your health and life style”
Testing is conducted in a private area in CPC’s Community Services location (165 Eldridge Street NY, NY 10002). Results are known in 20 minutes. During that time you can also speak with a counselor to discuss health options, an assessment of your risks, and talk about the health implications of STIs and HIV/AIDS.
For more information on services available, call 613-8369/8420. All correspondence will be confidential. For more information on CPC’s HIV/AIDS Program or to learn about HIV/AIDS visit www.hivcpc.org