CPC Chinese Child Care Providers Receive the CDA Credential

CPC Early Childhood Learning and Wellness Services (ECLW) celebrated with Chinese-speaking family child care providers who earned their Family Child Care Child Development Associate (CDA) credential in early childhood education.
CDA credential is the most widely recognized credential in early childhood education. Candidates for this credential are required to take 120 hours of early childhood training in 8 subject areas, have at least 480 hours of professional work experience in a family child care setting, prepare a CDA Professional Portfolio, complete a 4-hour verification visit, and take a 60 question exam to receive their certification.
ECLW has offered 6 cohorts of CDA training in Mandarin to Chinese child care providers, the first taking place from the Fall of 2017 to the Summer of 2020 and the last taking place from December 2022 to April 2023. Chinese child care providers struggled to get their certification in Chinese as there were no certified CDA Professional Development Specialists at that time who were certified to be the candidate's observer and test proctor. During this time, Chinese providers who had a basic understanding in English were encouraged to take the exams in English, while others had to wait.
After 6 years, four of CPC’s staff successfully completed the first-ever National CDA Instructor Training and two staff were able to receive certification as a Monolingual Chinese Professional Development Specialist. The first Chinese child care provider who graduated from our first 120-hour CDA training cohort was finally able to receive her CDA in February 2024, and a child care provider who graduated from our second cohort received the first-ever Monolingual Chinese CDA certificate on April 10, 2024.
We want to congratulate all the Chinese providers who received their CDA certifications and graduated from our CDA Training cohorts, and thank the ECLW staff who provided the training, expert support, and guidance throughout the last six years so that we collectively achieve this milestone!