CPC Manhattan’s ECLW Launches 30-Hour Cohort Virtual Training in Chinese and Spanish
Early Childhood Learning and Wellness Services (ECLW) is pleased to announce its first virtual 30-Hour Cohort Training in Chinese for licensed family child care providers took place last Saturday, June 20, 2020, with 48 licensed family child providers in attendance. These training courses are designed to help fulfill the requirements for license renewal.
During the first training session, ECLW's certified trainers Xiao Wu, Susan Chen, and Kevin Tam, discussed the relationship and interaction between children and care givers, understanding children's behavior and needs or bids for attention, methods of responsive caregiving and interaction, and other important information.
This training series is funded through a Professional Development Grant from the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) and will run for 5 Saturdays: 06/20, 06/27, 07/11, 07/18, and 07/25, from 9:30 am – 4:40 pm. The Spanish series will begin on July 11, 2020, and will run 5 consecutive Saturdays.
The 30-Hour Cohort Courses consists of the following topics:
- PITC: Responsive Care Giving and Interaction in Child Care Program (OCFS Topics: 1 & 3)
- Social and Emotional Development in Early Childhood (OCFS Topics: 1 & 3)
- Healthy Eating and Obesity Prevention in Child Care (OCFS Topics: 1, 2 & 3)
- Physical Development and Outdoor Play + Child Abuse and Maltreatment Identification and Prevention (OCFS Topics: 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, & 9)
- Operating & Managing a Family Day Care (OCFS Topics: 5 and 7)
The next training session is on June 27th. To register, please contact Mr. Kevin Tam, Training Coordinator, at 212-941-0030 ext. 160 or email him at ktam@cpc-nyc.org.
For Spanish, please contact MS. Betsy Cheng at ext. 219 or email her at bcheng@cpc-nyc.org.