Wayne Ho on Nonprofit Communication in an Over-Crowded Space

On June 14, 2019, CPC President & CEO Wayne Ho shared CPC's rebranding journey on a communications panel during Fundraising Day New York. The panel "Developing Your Position in an Over-Crowded Space" discussed what nonprofits can do to define and evolve their organization's positions to clearly communicate who you are, what you stand for, and what your organization needs from supporters to get there. With the generous support of the Robin Hood Foundation, CPC has embarked on a communications strategy and branding refresh with the nonprofit communications team at Big Duck. During this time CPC has learned how to refine our mission, vision, and values statement to be reflective of the times and bring CPC forward in expanding our programs reach in the community. The start of this is CPC's Advancing Our CommUNITY campaign and updated mission statements.
To see CPC's updated Mission, Vision, and Values statement click here
To read or hear Wayne communication theories with Big Duck click below: