Time To Make NY A #FairCity4AllAges

On the heels of the NYC Council Aging Committee hearing on why senior centers are so important for immigrant New Yorkers, NYC Councilmember Margaret Chin and Katelyn Hosey penned an op-ed for City Limits. The op-ed features the testimony of CPC Open Door Senior Center Director, Po Ling Ng.
"While Po-Ling expertly and passionately articulated the varying reimbursement rates for meals that her senior center receives – as low as $3.92 per meal on weekends – there was a larger story taking place, one about the impacts that these dismal contract rates create. Po-ling opened up about just what these city funds force her mission-driven, community-rooted program to pay its front line workers: “My kitchen staff gets just $15 an hour. Someone worked for me for 42 years; they still get $15 an hour. Do you think that’s fair? Do you think that’s fair? 42 years!” The answer to her question is obvious. It’s not fair, and it’s a challenge that exists for senior centers across the five boroughs."
Click here to read the full op-ed article
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