Give Out Day - Thursday April 19TH, 2018

Click here to pledge:
You have the power to create a better reality and build a better future for NYC's most marginalized youth communities - Transgender, Gender non-conforming and Intersex youth, particularly those who are immigrants, undocumented and in-the-closet.
Please SPREAD THE WORD…Invite your friends, coworkers and family to GIVE TODAY!
Yes, call them NOW!! :)
Any donation size ($10, $25, $50 or more) will help Project Reach raise a total of $10,000 toward our $15,000 goal.
About Give Out Day : Give OUT Day is the national day of giving for the LGBTQ community – a 24-hour online fundraising event that unites the LGBTQ community nationally to raise critically needed funds to support hundreds of nonprofits serving and advocating for the LGBTQ community.