End Family Separation NYC Rally and March

CPC staff and family joined thousands of New Yorkers at the End Family Separation NYC Rally and March that took place on Saturday, June 30, 2018. The rally was one of hundreds of demonstrations nation-wide that took place the same day in solidarity against Trump’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy, which resulted in the separation of hundreds of families seeking asylum along the United States border. The rally also came on the heels of the Supreme Court’s 5-to-4 decision earlier in the week to uphold the Federal Administration’s travel ban that indefinitely restricts non-immigrant visa travel from several mostly Muslim countries.
CPC co-sponsored the event alongside hundreds of other non-profit and social service organizations that work to advance the rights and visibility of immigrant communities including the Arab American Association of New York, New York Immigration Coalition, Make the Road NY and more. The march began in Manhattan’s Foley Square, crossed over the Brooklyn Bridge, and ended with a rally in Brooklyn’s Cadman Plaza headed by a panel of speakers and organizers demanding justice for all families affected.
CPC remains committed to resisting this Administration’s attempts of excluding and discriminating against communities of color. We urge all local agencies to continue upholding sanctuary city status, and we stand with Asian American, Latinxs, Muslims, and other immigrant communities in denouncing the Administration’s travel ban and other anti-immigrant policies.
For our statement on Family Separation and Detention, please click here.