Director of HIV/AIDS Services has been named a 2017 Health Rising Fellow

Binh V. Luu, director of HIV/AIDS Services has recently been announced as a 2017 Health Rising Leadership Fellow, one of only ten individuals across the country to receive this coveted honor. The Health Rising Leadership Institute Fellowship is a 6-month fellowship aimed at strengthening leaders of Asian American (AA), Native Hawaiian (NH), and Pacific Islander (NHPI) community organizations involved in improving health equality. The goal of the fellowship is to support and transform leadership development by engaging fellows in in-depth discussions and learning activities designed to help them examine their leadership purpose, vision, values, strengths, and growth edges. A main component of these activities includes cultivating leadership storytelling skills to be used to further engage AA, NH, and PI children, families, and communities. Each fellow will be paired with an individual mentor to help examine their own personal leadership strengths and identity areas of growth.
The Health Rising Leadership Fellow was first launched in 2015 by the Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum (APIAHF). For over past 30 years, APIAHF has built, cultivated, and supported a nationwide network of community based organizations engaged in improving the health and quality of life for AA and NHPI communities and families. APIAHF launched the fellowship as a result of the feedback their community based organizations partners provided them about the lack of leadership development training opportunities available to them. Since 2015, APIAHF has offered this fellowship every year.