CPC x McKinsey: Goodie Bags for Seniors

In celebration of Lunar New Year, staff from McKinsey & Company took time out of their busy day on Friday, January 31, 2020 to learn about CPC’s Hong Ning Wellness Program, the significance of Lunar New Year, and prepare goodie bags for the residents.
The initiative was led by Asians at McKinsey (AAM), a group of consultants dedicated to advancing Asian leadership in business and building Asian community, both inside their company and out in their neighborhoods through volunteer efforts like this one with CPC.
After preparing the goodie bags, the AAM had a message for the residents at Hong Ning: “Wishing you and your loved ones a happy, healthy lunar new year! We hope you enjoy this small gift.”
More than 150 residents received a goodie bag later that day. Some of the goodies include pistachios (“happy nut”), chocolate gold coins, strawberry candy (“lucky candy”), rice crackers and more.