CPC Shares Strategic Messaging Tips for Non-Profits in Big Duck's Podcast

During a recent podcast interview with communication consulting firm Big Duck, Wayne Ho, President and CEO of CPC, discussed the strategic messaging approach that non-profit organizations can use to advance their mission and engage their staff as brand ambassadors. He provided examples and tips to help teams use messaging tools effectively and ensure a consistent story is communicated across various platforms.
One of the most important things to have consistent messaging with staff is to have visuals. We devoted resources towards printing out our logos as well as having our vision, mission, and values translate into three languages – English, Chinese, and Spanish.
In addition to visuals, there's a need to have consistent trainings with staff. From new staff orientation to our monthly supervisor’s meetings, we need to make sure that we are continuously reminding our staff about our branding guidelines and how to use appropriately our vision, mission, and values.
The most important thing is to be mission-driven. And as we are working with community members that are experiencing trauma, that are at risk of homelessness, who experience racism and discrimination, including the unfortunate rise in anti-Asian hate, we need to make sure that we always lead with our values, from our programming decisions to our policy decisions.