The City Quotes CPC About Pandemic's Impacts on Immigrant Communities | Chinese-American Planning Council
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The City Quotes CPC About Pandemic's Impacts on Immigrant Communities


The City has a story on the pandemic's impacts on immigrant communities and the role of immigrants in New York City's recovery. Shuping Deng, supervisor of the ONA Opportunity Center located at CPC Brooklyn Community Center, is quoted. She discussed how immigrants are dealing with uncertainty and a rise in anti-Asian harassment and violence.

For some visa holders, their petition to migrate has been approved after a long wait but they are unable to enter due to travel restrictions. The USCIS has not announced a clear directive for those whose visas expired during the height of the pandemic.

“There’s not a lot of clear answers,” said Shuping Deng, a supervisor for immigration legal services that Chinese-American Planning Council provides under the state’s Office for New Americans.

Some are reconsidering their plans to become U.S. citizens altogether.

Deng said the string of hate crimes and harassment incidents against Asian Americans have her clients worried. “They wonder, if it gets worse, do they really want their family to have a life here?”

Full story at