CPC is Thankful for Our Community

CPC's Early Childhood Centers, Senior Centers, and Community Centers celebrated Thanksgiving with our children and families. Children participated in fun holiday activities both in-person and remotely. Our older adult community members were able to spend Thanksgiving with a warm meal thanks to turkey and prepared meal donations. Food was also distributed in the Lower East Side and Chinatown.
Food donations to the Lower East Side and Chinatown were made thanks to donations from NYS Assembly Member Yuh-Line Niou. Support of this effort was provided by Comptroller Scott Stringer, Congressional Representatives Jerry Nadler and Nydia Velazquez, Heart of Dinner, Safe from Hate, Eliza Orlins, United Healthcare, and numerous volunteers!
650 meals were distributed at CPC's Nan Shan Senior Center in Flushing, Queens thanks to Multicultural Radio Broadcasting, Council Member Peter Koo, and donors.
900 meals were distributed to seniors of our Open Door Senior Center and Chinatown Senior Center thanks to Multicultural Radio Broadcasting.
We are thankful for our community members and for their generous hearts.