PG: College Connect - Building the Bridge to College Resilience and Graduation Success

CPC's Project Gateway is excited to announce the launch of our college resilience program, PG: College Connect (PG: CC). PG: CC is a one-year mentorship program that begins in early July 2019 and aims to promote graduation success. Through peer mentor support, a virtual platform, and various networking events, first-year college students will have the opportunity to connect, network, upskill and receive career advice that will support their transition to college. We welcome first-generation, low income and AAPI incoming college freshman/graduating high school seniors to engage with us to facilitate a smoother social and academic transition to college.
PG: CC is operated by a student-led council; College Advisory Council (CAC). The CAC members (picture shown above) are a diverse group of high school seniors and college undergraduate students who are organizing events, social media campaigns, and activities to connect students. Please support them by following, liking and sharing them on Facebook and Instagram and joining their #collegesuccess campaign to win a $20 Amazon gift card!
For more information on how to be involved by participating, volunteering or supporting this program, please email us at
华策会大学辅导中心很高兴地宣布我们将推出一个大学应变能力计划。 PG: CC 是一项为期一年的辅导计划,始于2019年7月初旨在通过与导师的支持,虚拟平台和网络活动促进毕业成功。 学生将有机会与大学的学生会面,与他人建立人际关系,获得专业发展技能和职业建议,以帮助他们适应大学一年级。 我们欢迎第一代,低收入和AAPI大学新生/高中毕业生与我们互动,你们将会学到更多关于大学的知识。
PG:CC由学生主导的理事会运作; 学院咨询委员会(CAC)。 CAC成员(如上图所示)是一群多样化的高中毕业生和大学本科生,他们正在组织活动,社交媒体活动和连接学生的活动。 请通过在脸书和Instagram上关注,喜欢和分享它们并加入他们的#collegesuccess活动来赢得20美元的亚马逊礼品卡!
Instagram: @cpc_projectgateway
Facebook: @CPC.ProjectGateway