CPC in May (Week of May 8th - May 14th) 2023-05-08 04:00:00 to 2023-05-15 03:45:59
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CPC in May (Week of May 8th - May 14th)

May 7, 2023 to May 14, 2023


Tuesday, May 9th

Community Health Services Monthly Testing Day

3pm - 6pm - Manhattan Community Center

Free HIV/HepC/Syphilis testing for the community in partnerhship with the Mount Sinai Health System. For more info, contact Gilbert Wu (gwu@cpc-nyc.org)



Wednesday, May 10th

CPC Brooklyn Older Adult Center Grand Opening

11am - 1pm - Brooklyn Community Center

Grand opening/open house to celebrate the first CPC Older Adult Center in Brooklyn. For more info, contact Steve Mei (smei@cpc-nyc.org)


Friday, May 12th

CDS Appreciation Day

10am - 3:30pm - Essex Market 

Interactive exhibit and panel to recognize our Childhood Development Services team and discuss the past, present, and future of early childhood and school-aged child care programming. Refreshments provided.

Register herehttps://www.eventbrite.com/e/624863101357


CPC Brooklyn Older Adult Center Mother's Day Trip

9am - 5pm - Brooklyn Botanical Garden

Field trip to the Brooklyn Botanical Garden in Celebration of Mother's Day

Event Flyerhttps://www.cpc-nyc.org/events/cpc-brooklyn-older-adult-center-mothers-day-trip


National Asian and Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Dayy

4pm - 6:30pm - Project Reach

Workshop to reduce HIV/AIDS stigma and promote prevention, testing, and treatment. For more info, contact Gilbert Wu (gwu@cpc-nyc.org)


Saturday, May 13th

South Brooklyn AAPI Heritage Month Celebration

11am - 1pm - New Utrecht High School

Cultural performances and honoring community members who have made a local impact

Event Flyerhttps://www.cpc-nyc.org/events/south-brooklyn-aapi-heritage-month-celebration-2023


Sunday, May 14th

Services for Families with Special Needs in Brooklyn Mother's Day Celebration 

9am - 5pm - Brooklyn Botanical Garden

Arts and crafts and other festivities to celebrate Mother's Day. For more info, contact Wei Zhang (wzhang@cpc-nyc.org)

Posted by: 
Brian Chen