Hate Has No Home Food Distribution “不容有恨”食物派發活動 2021-06-15 15:00:00
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Hate Has No Home Food Distribution “不容有恨”食物派發活動

June 15, 2021

"Met Council and Chinese-American Planning Council will be standing against hate in New York City at a Hate Has No Home Here food distribution and learning event on Tuesday, June 15th at 11 a.m. in Brooklyn. As hate crimes and violence are on the rise in New York City, Met Council and Chinese-American Planning Council will host the event at the Council's Brooklyn Community Center to distribute food to the community, raise awareness and instruct on how best to address the dual crises of hatred and hunger in our city.

6月15日, 星期二上午11時,大都會委員會(Met Council)和華人策劃協會(Chinese-American Planning Council)將會共同舉辦 “不容有恨” 主題教育活動及食物派發。兩大機構將通過此次活動,一同表明反對仇 恨行為的決心。隨著紐約市仇恨犯罪和暴力活動的增加,相關團體將通過在華人策劃協會布碌崙社區服務中 心分發食物,指導社區居民處理仇恨犯罪和提高危機意識,來幫助解決本市仇恨犯罪和飢餓問題。


Met Council's Hate Has No Home Here distribution and community building event with Chinese-American Planning Council will begin at 11AM. on Tuesday, June 15th at 4101 8th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11232.

大都會委員會 (Met Council) 和華人策劃協會 (Chinese-American Planning Council)的“不容有恨”主題活動 將會在星期二,6月15日,上午11時開始。活動地點位於8大道4101號,紐約布碌崙,郵編11232。 


Throughout May, Met Council is partnering with community organizations across the city for a series of "Hate Has No Home Here" distribution events to bring diverse, vulnerable communities together and unite in common cause against hate and hunger.

大都會委員會曾在5月裡與全市各社區組織合作,進行了一系列“不容有恨”主題活動,並聯合各個弱勢群體 組織一起抵抗仇恨和飢餓。


"The disturbing rise in hate crimes in this city targeting Asian New Yorkers is an unacceptable trend of hatred and violence that all New Yorkers must stand against together. We will be working with Chinese-American Planning Council and other partner organizations in underserved communities across the city in May to make it clear, Hate Has No Home Here," said David Greenfield, CEO of Met Council. "The COVID-19 pandemic dealt a blow to the fabric of our city, creating a vacuum where hate and despair could thrive. Met Council serves underserved communities every day and we know that New Yorkers looking after New Yorkers is the only way forward. What hurts one of us, hurts all of us."

大都會委員會首席執行官戴維·格林菲爾德(David Greenfield)說,“針對亞裔市民的仇恨以及暴力行為正 以令人不安的速度增長,所有紐約人必須共同反對,任何理由和形式的仇恨行為和暴力。我們將會與華人策 劃協會以及全市服務弱勢群體的社區機構合作,來傳遞一個明確信息,這座城市不容有恨。 新冠疫情( COVID-19)給我們的城市造成了重大的打擊,仇恨與絕望也在城市中潜滋暗长。大都會委員會每天為弱勢 群體提供服務,是因為我們堅信,紐約人守望相助才是是唯一的前進之路。傷害一個人即是傷害我們所有人 。”


"We thank Met Council for standing with CPC and the AAPI Community against the terrible hate and violence our friends, family, and neighbors have been subjected to in recent months," said Wayne Ho, President and CEO, CPC. "New York City is suffering, but we can rebuild a better city together and stand, united across all communities against the tide of bias and hatred that has infected our city."

“我們感謝大都會委員會(Met Council)願意與華人策劃協會 (Chinese-American Planning Council)和亚太 裔社區一起携手反對最近幾個月來針對我們的朋友,家人和鄰居的可怕的仇恨和暴力”華人策劃協會 (Chinese-American Planning Council) 總裁兼首席執行官何永康先生說。 “紐約市經歷了可怕的災難,但我 們可以團結所有社區,一起重建一個更美好的城市,並共同抵禦那些影響我們城市的偏見和仇恨。”


Hate Has No Home Food Distribution “不容有恨”食物派發活動

Date / 日期: Tuesday, June 15th, 2021/


Time / 时间: 11:00 AM / 上午 11:00 時

Location / 地点: CPC Brooklyn Community Center


4101 8th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11232

4101 8大道 41街,布碌崙,紐約 11232

** 我們將會在一樓派發新鮮蔬菜,入口在41街。


Fresh Produce / 新鮮蔬菜:Bok Choy / 白菜,Cauliflower / 菜花,Eggs / 雞蛋,Rice / 大米,Mango / 芒果,Pear / 梨。


Supplies are limited. First Come - First Serve. We are not taking reservations. Pick-up only. 數量有限, 先到先得. 我們暫不接受預約, 只能現場領取.

Posted by: 
Shuping Deng