CPC Career Center offers FREE referral for Home Health Aide Training Class!
CPC Career Center offers free referral for Home Health Aide Training Class.
The class will be conducted in Mandarin with a $2000 Paid Certification Home Health Aide Training Available, and the class is 4 weeks long. (The amount is limited, first come first served)
A certification will be given once you've finished the training class and start working right away.
The next class will begins on December 12th, 2022 until January 9th, 2023. Register with Career Center ASAP.
For any interested candidates, please register with us or attend our info session for more detailed information.
Zoom Info Session Hours: Monday:10am-12pm; Monday through Thursday: 2pm-4pm. (Except Holidays)
Meeting ID: 954 927 9150 Passcode: career
Career Center Contact number: (212) 941-0041
該課程將會以中文授課还可获得高达$2000培训奖金。(名額有限,先到先得) 完成培訓課程後会獲得證書並開始工作。
有興趣者請與華策會登記或參加線上咨詢講座,每週一早上10點到中午12點和每週一至週四下午2點到4點. (節假日除外)
線上咨詢講座登入號碼: 954 927 9150 密碼: career
華策會就業協助中心電話: (212) 941-0041