
Benefit of Continuous Blood Glucose Measurement Seminar 新型血糖检测贴片和软件的好处讲座
April 14, 2023
Benefit of Continuous Blood Glucose Measurement Seminar 新型血糖检测贴片和软件的好处讲座
Join us to learn 請參加我們的講座:
- What Continuous Glucose Measurement is 什麼是連續血糖測量
- How Continuous Glucose Measurement is done 如何進行連續血糖測量
- What knowledge we can gain from the information it provides 我們可以從它提供的信息中獲得哪些知識
Date 日期: Friday, April 14th, 2023 || 2023年04月14日, 星期五
Time 时间: 10:00 am || 上午10點
Location 地點: CPC Brooklyn Community Center
4101 8th Ave, 3th Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11232
華策會布碌崙社區服務 4101 8大道,3樓,布碌崙,紐約 11232
Presenter 主講: Professor Raul Lejano, New York York University, Doctorate in Environmental Health Science
Language 语言: Chinese Mandarin and English || 國語和英文
For more information and registration, please call CPC 更多詳情,請致電:
(347) 833-1380