Fifty for 50 | Chinese-American Planning Council
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Fifty for 50

Throughout 2015, the Chinese-American Planning Council, Inc. (CPC) has been celebrating its 50th anniversary together with many individuals and families we have served in the community, as well as supporters who have contributed time, talent or treasure over the course of our history.  We are grateful for the privilege to serve Chinese-American, immigrant and low-income communities in New York City by providing services, skills and resources toward economic self-sufficiency. Simply stated: We fight poverty.

We count on resources to build a bright future for people age 2 to over 102, and support those in need of our culturally-sensitive programs and services to open access to multi-social services, early childhood and school-age child care services, youth services, workforce development and senior services. Our unique offerings include: Ladders for Leaders youth program, luxury retail training program, special needs services, HIV/AIDS services, Asian Child Care Resource & Referral which attained Quality Assurance and national recognition by Child Care Aware® of America.
Help accelerate progress and keep CPC on the path of innovation and creativity as we move into our next 50 years. Everyone can contribute. 

What can your $50 donation help to create?


  • $50 x 1 buys a child-size guitar used in a school-age music program
  • $50 x 10 sends 100 kids to see a movie their parents don't have time to take them to
  • $50 x 2 covers an out-of-state college trip for a youth who is the first in their family to attend college
  • $50 x 250 pays for a three-month ESL class for 20 adults for whom language is a major barrier 
  • $50 x 10 pays for a hot meal for 160 senior citizens who visit one of our three senior centers

Today, you have an opportunity to support CPC which annually serves over 100,000 individuals and families. By making a tax-deductible contribution of $50, you are part of our circle of supporters who believe in transforming CPC into the Model Service and Leadership Development Organization over the next 50 years and beyond.
It is easy - just click here - to join our Fifty for 50 Giving Campaign and instantly feel the spirit of giving to an organization that is a trusted and well-respected resource worthy of your support. We invite you to watch videos about our history and future. 




On behalf of our Board of Directors and Staff, we wish each and every one of you and your families a holiday season filled with peace and joy. Thank you for supporting positive change.
With Deep Gratitude, 

Janice Lee Won
Interim President & CEO
Chinese-American Planning Council, Inc.

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