How to protect yourself
Only two foolproof ways exist to 100 percent protect yourself from getting HIV: abstaining from sex and sharing needles used from drug injections.
Realistically, not having sex almost never happens. What matters the most is that “safe” sex practices, using latex condoms, are utilized every single time you engage in any type of intercourse (vaginal, anal, or oral).
As with sex, if you are injecting drugs (or even insulin), it is critical that you use a new and clean needle every time, and that you don’t share your “works” with others.
Further preventative measures include not sharing razors, toothbrushes, or any personal implements with anyone. Additionally, if either you or your partner are HIV positive and are seeking to have a baby, consulting a doctor is advisable to prevent the transmission of the virus to the child.
How to Practice Safer Sex: Condoms
Proper application of a condom is critical to preventing pregnancy, HIV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases. Below are instructions on how to correctly put on the condom and take it off:
Putting ON the Condom
Use a non-expired, new latex condom before each sexual encounter. Squeeze the tip of the condom to remove excess air to prevent breakage. When penis is erect, prior to any sexual acts, place condoms on the head of penis and roll it all the way down.
If lubrication is need, use water based (K-Y Jelly) or silicone lubricant. (Oil based lubricants could break condom.)
Taking OFF the Condom
After ejaculation, withdraw penis while it is still erect, hold on to the rim of condom as you withdraw so that nothing spills.
If you or your partner experienced burning or itching, try another type of condom and/or lubricant.
如果必須注射藥物(如胰島素),務必確認每次都使用全新的針。不要與他人共用注射器材。 其他降低風險的方法包括不要與他人共用剃刀、牙刷或其他衛生用品。另外,如果一個已感染的人想要有小孩,請咨詢醫生如何避免把病毒傳染給小孩。
若正確使用保險套,它可以避免受孕、感染愛滋病毒或其他性病。 以下為正確使用保險套的步驟:
1. 在開始任何性行為前,陰莖已勃起時,就應戴上保險套。
2. 確認保險套是全新的且未過期。
3. 擠壓保險套前端以移除空氣,這可以避免保險套破裂。
4. 將保險套放在龜頭上,順著陰莖往下套至根部。
5. 若需要使用潤滑液,應選用水性或矽膠潤滑液。油性潤滑液會造成保險套破損。
6. 射精後,陰莖尚未鬆弛前,握住保險套邊緣,連同保險套一起抽出,避免精液或其他分泌物滲出。
7. 如果你或你的伴侶感到灼燒或搔癢,可試用另一種保險套或潤滑液。