SYEP in Manhattan Locations: kleung@cpc-nyc.org
SYEP in Brooklyn Locations: rmondal@cpc-nyc.org
SYEP in Queens Locations: tchong@cpc-nyc.org
SYEP @ Brooklyn International High School: lruiz@cpc-nyc.org
SYEP @ Flushing International High School: plin@cpc-nyc.org
SYEP runs during the summer only, with applications available on the NYC DYCD website coming out in late Spring.
Summer Youth Employment Program
Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) is a 6 week long summer internship program where NYC youth ages 14-24 gain real world work experience and necessary skill sets from a job sector. This program is a lottery-based opportunity administered by the Department of Youth and Community Development. All interested applicants should apply. Work Learn and Grow (WLG) is the continuation of SYEP, students will be working when school is in session.
The program supports community members, youth, and young adults, in developing the experience and skills necessary for a smooth transition into work and exposes them to different career fields.
This program is funded by the Department of Youth and Community and Development (DYCD).
2,530 young people worked 311,000 hours in summer jobs at 250 worksites in 2018.