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School-Age Child Care Center at PS 130
The Baxter Street School-Age Child Care Center operates a year round program, servicing children ages five through twelve years in Public School 130 in Lower Manhattan. School year operation after school offer a nutritious snack, homework help, enrichment programs in STEM and literacy, and programs that focus on creativity and self-expression for the children to grow academically, socially, and emotionally in a caring and stimulating environment . The center works towards developing age appropriate programs and activities which reflect the specific interests of the children to develop that which is special within each child. In addition, full day programs are offered for 13 of the Department of Education holidays and a 7 week Summer Camp program during July and August.
This program is funded by the NYC Department of Youth and Community and Development (DYCD), The New York Community Trust/Brooke Astor Fund, and Trinity Church Wall Street.