Director of Beacon IS 220 - Omar Roberts
Email: oroberts@cpc-nyc.org
CPC Beacon at IS 220
The CPC Beacon Community Center has served Sunset Park, Brooklyn and neighboring communities for more than 20 years. Beacon program's activities includes academic enrichment, health and fitness, community building events and initiatives, civic engagement, life skills, architecture and the arts.
The Beacon's primary goal is to respond to the persistent needs of the surrounding community by providing a safe space that promotes cultural awareness, inclusiveness, and self-sufficiency while ensuring our community members are respected, valued, and appreciated.
Beacon Community Center offers afterschool services, adult enrichment classes, recreation, Saturday academic prep classes, and traditional Chinese dance. Adults and senior citizens are offered a range of enrichment classes and workshops through the Beacon. We serve youth from 3rd grade to seniors in the community.
The center has provided two decades of continuous service to thousands of community members of all ages looking to advance their learning, engage with their children and other families, and build community in Sunset Park and its neighboring communities.
This program is funded by NYC's Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD).